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crash reports - where to send?

Started by perigalacticon, July 29, 2023, 06:00:09 PM

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I have a few crash reports from FPP on my RPi4 I am getting notices for and I am wondering am I supposed to send these somewhere?  I downloaded them, what next?


There are privacy settings to automatically send them.  If you're having issues, I would post the problem and copy paste the logs into the post if you're needing help.

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No the problem is I have a RPi0W and I don't know how to make my show router connect to the internet.


If you would like some help on the router make a new post in General Hardware. Be sure to include enough info about your home network and show network and what your router is set to so that we can get at the details.


Quote from: perigalacticon on August 01, 2023, 01:12:09 PMNo the problem is I have a RPi0W and I don't know how to make my show router connect to the internet.
You have not really described the issue you are having other than it doesn't seem to be working.  Were you able to download the FPP image, and burn the image to the SD?  Is the Pi0w booting to the FPP GUI?  Where are you at in the process?

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