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Text on Matrix

Started by Geod, September 27, 2023, 09:35:23 AM

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My matrix is 50 columns by 16 rows.   I have 3 ports with each port containing 200 pixels (2 sets of 100 pixels connected together).  Wiring goes left to right for 50 pixels then right to left for 50 pixels, zigzagging until the 200 pixels are inserted.  This is done 3 times (3 ports) You cannot view this attachment. You cannot view this attachment. You cannot view this attachment. for a total of 600 pixels.

When I show text on the matrix most of the text goes left to right as it should but there is a row that goes right to left.  It may be the way I setup the model but I can't determine what to change to correct the issue.

Can anyone provide any input?

K-State Fan

"My matrix is 50 columns by 16 rows." = 800 pixels

Is that a setting that is used in the setup?  I do not have a matrix so do not know.

Something is off on your channels You have a start channel of 17341 and a end channel of 18960 that would be 540 pixels.

Why are you using individual start channels? That is part of your issue string one is starting on 27:1 and string 2 starts at 28:1 so the second string is overlapping the first by 30 pixels then the third  one is overlapping the second one. That is your missing 60 pixels.


Sorry  typo   matrix is 50 x 12   =   600 pixels 

I changed the start channel setting and that corrected the model preview.     I now have a start channel of 17341 and end channel of 19140. The model preview looks very nice now.   

The actual pixels on the matrix still is showing incorrectly.   See the attached picture of the matrix.  It should represent the first 2 letters of TUNE.   The pixels on the right are the top of the letters TU   White pixels for T and red pixels for U.  They are moving in the correct direction, right to left.  Please note there are missing pixels from the second row which is not correct.

The rest of the pixels on the matrix should be the bottom of the TU.  But they move in the wrong direction and are also missing rows of pixels (I think)

I have also attached a picture of the way I defined the matrix within the Falcon controller.   This MAY be where the issue lies??

Does this info help in determining my issue?

Thanks for ANY help


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Here is the falcon controllYou cannot view this attachment. er page

K-State Fan

Why are you using virtual strings in Falcon settings but they are duplicates? I would remove the virtual strings and change the pixel count to 200 for each if that is what you actually have. I am confused what you have 12 x 15 , 16 x 50 or 15 x 50.

Have you tried the visualizer in xLights and let xLights make your controller settings?


Have you right clicked on the model in layout and selected wiring view?  Does it match the way you have wired it?   I don't have great knowledge here, but I keep thinking that your matrix is being created as a vertical matrix, but you have wired it as a horizontal matrix and s[ecified it as a horizontal.

On another note I have a 50 col x 20 row matrix, 1000 nodes.  I started by running it from 2 ports, but had all kinds of initial issues.  It has worked much better for me once I went to one port with power injection at 2 places.  You should be able to just add a power jumper to the end of the string, assuming 1 string of 600 on 1 port) since you only have 600 nodes.  I'm assuming 12v since I don't remember what you specified before I started writing this, 5v throws my thoughts out the door.
Jim Nealand
Kennesaw, GA all Falcon controllers, all 12v Master Remote Multisync with Pi and BBB P10 and P5


Quote from: Geod on November 14, 2023, 12:20:51 PMI changed the start channel setting and that corrected the model preview
You are making things overly complicated and prone to errors by trying to manually configure everything. Xlights is designed to handle all of that for you and is highly recommended to use the tools the developers made.

Quote from: Geod on November 14, 2023, 12:20:51 PMI have also attached a picture of the way I defined the matrix within the Falcon controller.   This MAY be where the issue lies??
And that is a jumbled mess.... I am not sure why you configured it with all of those strings? And it looks like you are trying to associate ports with Universes? That will almost always cause problems in the long run. Refer to my first comment.

Your controller is actually configured to output the first 100 pixels of data and then repeat that. See how you have the same 2 lines of data with a space in between? (this is due to your controller configuration which is way off). Did I mention that xLights does a great job of managing your controller channels?

Your controller is showing 2 Matrices, but your layout only one? Which matrix are we talking about?

Do you really have an Expansion Board on your controller?

If you want to let xLights manage your controller(s), this is HIGHLY recommended, in xLights in your controller configuration,
Set the name to something meaningful
Set the Vendor, Model and Variant to match your controller (i.e Falcon, Model to F16V3 and Variant to Expansion Board + No Serial Port Remotes
Set the IP address of the controller
Set the Start Universe to 1 (or whatever start Universe you want, they don't have to start at 1)
Set the Channels per Universe to either 512 or 510 (it really doesn't matter which you use)
Check the Auto Layout Models
Check the Auto Size
Check the Full xLights Control[
Set the default brightness
Save your settings[
Once that is configured, you can use the Visualizer to put your models on the ports that you are going to use, make sure you have them assigned in the order that you are going to connect them. For the models that will be connected to Smart Receivers, right click on the model after it has been assigned to the correct port and then select which receiver it will be connected to. The Smart Receiver designation will be color coded.[

DO NOT assign controller, start channels, or such from the Layout page. Xlights will manage that.

Then Save your Controller settings and your Layout settings. On the Controllers tab, select your controller and then click on the Upload inputs then upload outputs (or just outputs if the inputs are greyed out).
That is it, you do not configure the ports/channels in your controller, xLights will handle that.
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


I thank EVERYONE for their comments and help.   I had no idea there was such a thing as the visualizer.   I tried it and it made everything so much easier.   I still have a few small issues which I will try to figure out but overall, most thing seems to be working.  I now have words scrolling along the matrix that can be read!   Imagine that!

I might be back in touch if I cannot determine the cause of the small issue I have

Thanks again to everyone



Quote from: Geod on November 15, 2023, 01:08:54 PMI now have words scrolling along the matrix that can be read! 
Woo Hoo, glad you got it working!
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


I used the visualizer and most things are working as planned.  However, I get some overlapping channels.    I assigned the models in the order of their actual port numbers.

As you will notice model star-8 has an end channel of 55440 and the next model I entered was Mega tree  which should have had starting channel 55441.  However, it was assigned start channel 55081 which was assigned previously to model star-7

Can anyone explain what I did wrong and how I can correct?


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