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F4V3 Test Mode

Started by Reys Dad, October 12, 2022, 02:52:51 PM

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Reys Dad

Not sure if it's just me but I have a F4V3 hooked up to a LOR CTB04-PC and if I do a channel test for the serial port directly from the F4V3 it will only light up output 3 on the LOR and I was expecting LOR output 1. (I thought I configured something wrong and spent a few hours trying to debug)

If I run the test from the FPP that is proxied with the F4V3 then it lights up the correct LOR output 1. Is the F4V3 output test designed to work this way? Not an urgent question since I have it all working now but just curious.


It does seem like there was a firmware update that fixed some test issues.  Can't look them up with their website down at the moment.  Are you running the current firmware?  If your lights are working as expected out of LOR/Xlights, I would not worry about about the F4v3 test not displaying correctly.  There have been a few test issues in the past.

Reys Dad

I updated a few years ago. As you mention the site is down so I can't check. A bit hesitant to update because I read something about the newer falcon controllers not supporting GECE. Yeah it's not a big deal, just kind of stuck in my brain as an unknown and was mostly just nagging curiosity at this point.


2.59 is the current version of firmware for the f4v3.  updating firmware will not change the supported pixel types. Yes the v4 versions support different pixel protocols (actually a lot more than the v3) but updating they are completely different boards with different firmware. 
--Ron A.

Reys Dad

Thanks, I just checked and I'm on 2.59


I just checked and the site is back up.
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