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F4v3 losing connection.

Started by rjm12rjm12, November 26, 2023, 09:48:27 AM

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I have an F4v3 that is having ethernet issues.  I have tried multiple cables, I went from 2.59 back to 2.55.
Any thoughts on this, it seems to run for a bit with like 50% ping packets, then just stops until I reboot.
Thanks for any help.



If you are having packet loss to one device, most likely a bad cable.  Using a store bought cable, plug a laptop directly into the Falcon ethernet port and ping from there.  Some of the v4 series has had some firmware issues involving network connectivity, but this is not impacting the V3 series.   You should go back to firmware 2.59 and stay there. 


I just tried this and I am seeing the same problem.


The Falcon F4v3 has two ethernet ports... you could try the other port, or another laptop.  You could reset the the controller to factory and upload new firmware, but sounds like you have already done that.  Minus that, I am afraid it could be a defective controller board. 


Thanks, I tried both ports and two cables, maybe I'll try the factory reset.


I have seen Falcon network cards go completely bad, but never seen one loosing packets.  Packet loss is almost always a cable/switch issue.  Make sure you are plugging the cable directly into the Falcon ethernet port, and not using a passthru or extension cable on the box.  With that said, if you have eliminated everything else, the only thing left it can be is the controller board.


Do you possibly have more than one FPP or xLights sending data to that controller?
Happened to me once and it was a similar result.
Long time Falcon, FPP and xLights user

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