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EDM Transmitter Cable for Setting Station ID

Started by beaugaudron, October 17, 2024, 03:51:48 AM

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I have had this thing for years and always wanted to change the station ID but couldn't figure it out

From what I've read here,8329.0.html it seems that you can make a cable that you can connect to the Pi GPIO and then set everything from FPP?

If that right? Has anyone done it and has a photo or instructions for which GPIO pins to connect to what wires. 



From what I read in that thread, Post #3 talks about connecting to the EDM, not the Pi GPIO's

Step 4: Connecting to the EDM-RDS

a. You'll have to cut the USB "A-Male" end from your cable, strip back the outermost plastic insulation and isolate the red and black wires separately (with small pieces of shrink tube, just in case). Solder the appropriate single pin pigtails to the green and white wires (this was true in my case anyways). Twist the shield wires up and solder a black single pin pigtail to it as well. Attached is a standard pinout for a mini USB cable that held true for me.

b. Using the attached diagram for an Pi 2-3, connect the green wire to pin 3 ("GPIO 2"), the white wire to pin 5 ("GPIO 3") and the black wire to pin 9 ("GND"). Be sure not to accidentally connect to any 3.3v or 5v pins!! (It should be obvious now that the connection of the green and white wires corresponds directly to the changes we made to the file). Once connected to the Pi, plug the Mini-B end into the EDM-RDS.


I used a USB header cable which has worked pretty good.  These days I just set the station ID and the remote falcon website URL using the TinyRDS software, but the below link might be useful to you.

I quit using the EDM plug-in since.  When using Remote Falcon there was a glitch that would play the sequence for 1-2 seconds without sound, and then start the song over with sound.  I could install/remove the EDM plug-in and the problem only occurred when the EDM plug-in was installed.  If you are using Remote Falcon and your sequences are glitching it might be EDM plug-in related.


Thanks i've found the serial cable and will try TinyRDS. Have bought some pin header cables today to connect to a Pi if I need to.


Well now I've got MiniRDS installed, seems to be connected but i can't seem to write anything if i fill in Default PS and click Send it seems to send data but the station ID does not change. 


It seems like I had better luck with MiniRDS than TinyRDS.  If one does not work, I would try the other.  If you can find a computer with an actual on-board serial port, they seem to work better than using a USB to serial converter.  Does seem like I had to try a few usb to serial converters, and few different usb cables.  I am using a USB to Serial converter with a Prolific PL2303 chip.  A short high performance usb cable might work better, but check the cable pile and try a few if you have them.  Even when it works I have seen the data corrupt, and had to save it a couple of times before it wrote correctly.


Thanks yes PL2303 cable here and the supplied RS232 cable from EDM

I can do the "Read" on the System tab in MiniRDS but it wont work in Tiny

Just doesnt write i'll try some other ports first unfortunately no actual serial devices here that i can try on so USB to Serial it is. 


Being able to read is a pretty good sign you are almost there.  Might double check your settings.  Try to make sure all your connections are tight, avoid tight cable bends, and minimize any interference that you can.


Must be making some progress but just not the progress I want lol

I got another USB-Serial Cable. Seemed to write some data in TinyRDS but then i go to MiniRDS and everything is blank on a receive

Both programs now the read status works whereas before only Mini did. Will keep trying I guess

The text has gone from having EDM-RDS to being blank so something at least has changed. 


Well after a lot of error and some trial this is what ended up happening:

1. Got new USB to RS232 Cable
2. Set MiniRDS to run in Windows 7 Compatibility mode (I'm running Win 11)

3. Based on the manual I finally found for the EDM Transmitter I followed these instructions in Mini RDS

Go to Preferences Tab

Set PTY Coding to US
Set your connection (i.e. Com port) and tick BiDirectionial if it isnt ticked


Go to System Tab


a) Subcarrier Phase shift to 85.23 degrees and Clock source to Auto
b) Set PLL Lock Range to 19000 +/- 5Hz
c) Click Send

If you have the transmitter out of enclosure you should see a LED flash indicating that data is being written

Once I did the above I then did

 - Program Tab
Set Default PS

- Radiotext
I set this to be the URL for our Facebook

Lastly click Send, then you can go check things and again should see orange light flash indicating writing (normally goes solid, flashes a bit then goes back to a flash rate of roughly once per second)

Once all is well, click on STORE - if you do not click Store as soon as the unit is powered down you lose everything and need to reconfigure.


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