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Pixel output page looks scrambled

Started by dukemd, December 02, 2024, 10:56:16 AM

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I really appreciate everyone here.  you have been fantastic.  Very new to this and I am probably over thinking things (wife says this is a bad trait of mine)

My show seems to be working ok but I just want to make sure I am not optimizing something or something is not working correctly to a beginners eye.

These are some screen shots of my controller and visualizer in xlights.



Things look perfect!  ;D   LOL

Well, at least from what was posted (There were no screenshots!)
Also, when you do post screenshots, post actual screenshots and not pictures of your screen.
Thanks, and welcome to the obsession hobby
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


You don't see the .png screen shots?  I see them when I look at the post.  I edited the post just before your reply.  Not sure if that created a delay



They are there now.  Looks fine to me other than I would switch from E1.31 to DDP.  You will need to upload the settings to the controller (Bulk Controller Upload), render all you sequences with the new information (Batch Render), and upload the new files to FPP (FPP Connect) after the change.

E1.31 is not a huge deal for no more lights than you have and you could certainly leave it as is.  DDP is preferred as it is more efficient.  It might be easier to do now than later.

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