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BBB Installation -- Noobie Question

Started by gatoruss, December 06, 2023, 08:52:46 AM

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I am setting up fpp on a BBB.  I burnt the image for fpp 7.3 to a uSD Card, inserted the card into the BBB uSD slot and applied power.  It all seems to have proceeded correctly and I can access the fpp thru my show network.

I configured the fpp network settings for ethernet and Wan, and that seems to be working correctly.

I also expended the partition on the uSD card for storage.

My question is -- do I need to leave on the power to the BBB 24/7?  If I turn off the power to the BBB, when I power up again will the fpp reboot from the uSD card as if a new install, making me reconfigure the network (and other settings) as a new install?


No, all settings are saved so it really isn't any different than when you set up first install an OS on a PC.  The way you left it is the way it will be when you reboot.


Thank you for the quick reply.

I assume that the configuration information that I enter during and after initial setup is saved to the uSD card?

So, if for some reason I wanted to start over with a fresh/clean install, I would re-burn the image to the uSD card and use that uSD to boot the fpp?


That is correct.  You can back up your settings if desired and then reformat and install a new image on the SD card and start over with a fresh install.

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