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Can Falcon Player support WPA3?

Started by Reys Dad, September 17, 2024, 08:32:27 PM

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Reys Dad

I'm thinking to upgrade the security on my show network this year. Does anyone know if Falcon Player supports WPA3 or do I need to stick with WPA2 security? I'm running Pi2s, Pi4s and a couple beagle bone blacks


WPA3 is not mentioned in the documentation.  The Pis can sort of support WPA3, but last I knew it took a lot of command line work and a few drivers to be loaded manually.  I was thinking WPA3 is a software solution, so any network adapter is compatible provided the vendor updates the firmware/drivers.

My best guess is the FPP OS does not support it out of the box, but you could possibly update it manually.  However, if it is not supported natively, the FPP updates would likely break it all the time.  Many routers will have a WPA2/WPA3 mode that it would likely be compatible with.

You should be able to setup a new SSID with WPA3 only.  If they all connect you would know.  If you get it working be sure to come back and post your results.

I setup a new WPA3 SSID and my FPP8 Pi4 connected right up no issues.  Looks like there is some WPA3 support.  I don't have a Pi2 or BeagleBone to test, but the Pi4 appears to support it.


@JonD Wow, Quick work to get an answer.

@Reys Dad Trying stuff is always a good way to not only get an answer but also to learn about other stuff.  I still accidentally stumble on new stuff/ways to do things when trying something out.  I point this out for the newbies who will read this post.
Jim Nealand
Kennesaw, GA all Falcon controllers, all 12v Master Remote Multisync with Pi and BBB P10 and P5

Reys Dad

Thanks Jon.
I'll give it a try in a few weeks. I've redoing my entire home network due to some recent issues. It's encouraging that you were able to get it working on the Pi4s. I'll post results on the others when I start setting up for Halloween. I am also going to try to change it to a guest network to try and keep it separate from my regular network.

Reys Dad

Quote from: JonD on September 18, 2024, 05:05:28 AMEdit:
I setup a new WPA3 SSID and my FPP8 Pi4 connected right up no issues.  Looks like there is some WPA3 support.  I don't have a Pi2 or BeagleBone to test, but the Pi4 appears to support it.
Thanks, Doesn't seem to work on 7.5 though.

Reys Dad

Just tried updating to 8.0 I couldn't get my Pi4 to connect. I'll just use mixed mode this year.


If you flip the FPP8 over to master, there is a new checkbox next to the ESSID to enable WPA3.    By default, it only will setup WPA-PSK (WPA2) but if you enable that checkbox, it will add the SAE to the beginning and set the password into the sae_passphrase setting.   For me, that allows connecting to WPA3.   However, it seems like connecting to WPA3 takes significantly longer and you may also need to add a longer boot delay.
Daniel Kulp -


I did not actually use the connection, but I didn't select any checkbox, and it did not take any additional time to boot the Pi4?  It gave me a DHCP address and I assumed it was working.  If someone needs me to test further let me know I guess.  I typically don't use the Pi4 wifi.  I installed a second 1gb ethernet adapter a while back to speed up my FPP connect transfers.

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