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F48NS Heat

Started by ChuckM, April 11, 2023, 09:37:55 AM

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I recently purchase the F-48NS. Powering from a 5 volt PS and simply having it on a non-conductive surface (counter top) the board seems to generate quite a bit of heat. Placing my hand on the RJ45 ports is where I feel the heat most.
Is this normal?


If you have in Infrared meter, that would be a better starting point.  Is anything plugged into those rJ45 ports? Do they cool when removed?
Long time Falcon, FPP and xLights user


For my testing and getting the feel I had no or only 1 cable plugged into port 1, other ports empty.


Not directly related to this thread, but some might find it interesting.  Five years ago I measured heat on a SanDevices E682 pixel controller using a thermal imaging camera.  The results were posted in this thread over on the LOR forum:
Using LOR (mostly SuperStar) for all sequencing - using FPP only to drive P5 and P10 panels.
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Yeah the F48v4's emit quite a bit of heat due to all of the RS485 drivers (receiver ports)


Anybody know how hot is too hot? On the status page the yellow warning bar indicating it's getting hot comes on in about 3 minutes. I've tried two different F48's as well as two different PS's, with the same results. I've also noticed the part in spot U2 (I think it's the converter, right beside the fuses) gets hot to the touch. 

I'm running off a 12v PS with the toggle switch pointed to 7-13V. I did order a 5v PS just in case.


Can anyone recommend a fan to use on the F48 Board?
The board has the connections as it looks like 2 fan connections.
The web interface show speed for the can as well.
I also see there is a mounting hold for mounting a fan.


The newer F48v4's ship with a 'free gift' fan kit I beleive.  Perhaps someone can take a photo and share with you?  I have one at home but I'm away for a couple of weeks.


Here's a photo of the board with the free fan installed using the included mounting bracket, screw, and zip ties. From the thermal photo, you can see it really helps keeping the right most column of line drivers cool. It doesn't really do a lot for the other three columns though.

I plan on putting my F48NS inside an enclosure and hanging it on the wall in the garage. Has anybody else done this successfully? Has heat inside an enclosure been an issue? I could always open it when in use; I mostly just need some protection from errant tools and lumber when it's not in use.

I'm running from a desktop 5V supply, will only be using the differential driver outputs, and will not be using the on-board pixel outputs if it matters.


That's kind of an interesting placement for a fan.
However, if you are going to put it into an enclosure I would put a fan and vents on the enclosure.
Using LOR (mostly SuperStar) for all sequencing - using FPP only to drive P5 and P10 panels.
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There's an outline on the board that says "optional fan mount" with an arrow with the air flow direction pointing down. i suspect it's to cool the DC-DC converter rather than any of the line drivers. Although the DC-DC converter really shouldn't get that hot since it's a switching buck converter rather than a linear regulator.


I've put my F48NS in an enclosure. I mounted an extra row of fans below the first three columns of line drivers. I'm hoping this will at least keep the air moving in the enclosure and building up on the board even if it's not as good as adding external forced air ventilation. This is going in the garage so I can always open the lid while the lights are running but keep it closed the rest of the time to keep it from getting hit by a wayward shovel handle. I'm going to run some experiments this weekend to see how bad the heat build up gets.


The array of fans helps when out in the open but doesn't help when inside an enclosure. :(

Might run to home depot later tonight and see if I can find a vented electrical enclosure that it would fit in and where it would be easy to attach fans to the vents.


Any possibility of vents being added to your current enclosure?  Perhaps one allowing input, and another output (and maybe a fan on the output)?
Sequencers: Vixen3 and xLights
Players: FPP and xSchedule Controllers:  Renards - SS24/SS16; E1.31 - San Devices E682 - Falcon F16, F4, F48 - J1Sys - DIYLEDExpress E1.31 Bridges.  Much more!


It's a light-o-rama (primex) plastic enclosure. The bottom of the enclosure is all electrical cutouts for wires so really no room for a fan there. I could use a hole saw to put a giant hole in the top or front of the enclosure but then it's going to look not that great. I'm thinking best bet is pull the door off in November and December when it's in use. Put the door back on in January.

Ok, also, just went to the Primex website. One of my photos is on the front page of their website from a fiber install at a friends house. ;D

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