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KB-8 and Falcon SRx2 pixels out of order in smart mode

Started by jdawgp04, November 29, 2024, 01:52:45 PM

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I have a Kulp KB-8 with a Falcon SRx2 v4 receiver on ports 9-12.  When running in smart mode on A/B, the pixels are lighting out of order on all models.  As an example, when running a simple chase pattern every third pixel is skipped but then lights out of order so the sequence is 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6, 8, 7...

If I switch to dumb mode with the selector on 0 the pattern works as expected. 

I have tried replacing the ethernet cable and upgrading to the latest FPP, but that had no effect.  Any ideas of what might be wrong?

FPP Version:7.5-7-gfefac7b7
Platform:BeagleBone Black
FPP OS Build:v2023-11
OS Version:Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Kernel Version:5.10.168-fpp


Looks like the KB-8 could use the older V1 protocol.  You might need to use dial setting 1 & 2 instead of A & B. 

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Thanks for the quick reply @JonD! I tried setting the receiver to use v1 both on the "A" and "1" setting on the dial.  However, the behavior is the same.  It is basically swapping every 3rd and 4th pixel.  I am currently using all 8 ports, so half the models in XLights are assigned to ports 9A-12A and the rest are 9B-12B. 
I also tried v2 with the receiver dial set to 4, which if I understand the chart posted in the comment above should work for the V2 protocol for the SRx2v4. 


Test patterns on controllers are famous for not working correctly... especially when using SRs.  Have you tried to play an actual sequence?  Not using RGBW lights configured for RGB, or RGB configured at RGBW?  Not familiar with K8 and don't have any other suggestions... sorry!



Yes, unfortunately I'm noticing the issues in my sequences as well, especially where I use patterns like single strand with a chase or bars where it's moving along the string.  I have also tried using the test feature in Xlights where I can individually turn on each pixel of a string.  When I turn on pixels 1,2,3 to a steady color, 1,2, and 4 light up on the string.

I have a mix of RGB bullet nodes (50ct regulated variety from Wired Watts) and some ws8215 led strips.  If I reconfigure the models to a port on the main controller they work fine with the test pattern and the show sequences.  It also works fine when I set the dial to 0 and run in normal mode, but then I can only use 4 of the ports.

Thanks JonD for the info you were able to provide.  I'm wondering if this is a firmware or software issue.  I used this receiver last year and I don't notice an issue but I can't say for certain it was working properly then.  I may try to roll back to an earlier version if possible and see if that has any affect.


The only other thing I can think of is, you could try setting the dial to 4 and 5 (instead of a/b-1/2) and force it to use the v2 protocol.  If it is a newer KB-8 it might support the V2 protocol and not be auto-detecting for some reason.

Good luck!


I tried setting the dial to 4 to force v2, but the problem still exists.  I also tried upgrading to 8.3.1 but no change there either.  


@jdawgp04 did you get this solved?  I also have an issue with SRx1 V4 that only works with dial 0 setting.  If I change to 1, 4, or A it plays for a little while and then hangs.[/font][/size][/color]

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