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Fpp and xlights preview not working

Started by tj, May 23, 2023, 09:12:48 PM

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I have been having a hell of a time making xlights preview with fpp to work. I can see my controller in xlights but can't send data to it. I am using the gpios on the pi to control a relay board to switch 120v lights. I can't find any tutorials online (I might not be using the right search terms though) Does any one have any good information on how to set this up?


A little more information would help. What controller? You mentioned gpio? Is that what you want to preview from xLights? How do you plan on triggering the gpio? FPP Command? xLights timing track? We need way more info in order to help.
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


Did you set up some models in the preview? What is the setup?


Quote from: Poporacer on May 24, 2023, 06:23:32 AMA little more information would help. What controller? You mentioned gpio? Is that what you want to preview from xLights? How do you plan on triggering the gpio? FPP Command? xLights timing track? We need way more info in order to help
For control I have 2 raspberry pi placed around my house. Each one has the 10 gpios connected to a relay board and they are in remote mode. I have one pi that is running a few things from its gpios and is set to player. I am moving away from vixen as it keepted crashing and making headaches. My normal workflow is to do all my programming then export it and upload to the all of my  raspberry pis. I would like to have xlights send data to all of my controllers so I can see what it will look like in person with out having to go and upload all the files to all of the PIs. 


Where I am getting stuck is what do I select for the model? It does not have any options for using the gpios.
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I don't think what you are doing is directly supported in  xLights controller setup. I think you have to make a generic player only controller. Then somehow you associate the channel in the sequence to the gpio (manually). One of the FPP gurus might have to help here.



TJ, did you get this figured out yet ?  if I understand correctly you are driving relays from gpio pins to switch AC devices on and off.  There is no standard controller definition in xlights to auto layout or auto configure this output type as it is not a common used output type.  In FPP you will need to add your gpio outputs on the 'other' tab of the input/output page.  Make sure and assign them unique start channels (I may recommend sequential channels).  and save your outputs.  Then in xligths I presume you already have single channel models setup on your layout to use for each AC channel ?  If so then setup your fpp controller on the controller tab and and utick the autosize and autolayout options.  I would set the protocol to DDP and set the ID field to a unique value.  Then on the first model, on the layout tab, edit the start channel using the start channel box and select universe, then your controller name, then it should default to the ID value you assigned. Set the start channel to 1 and save.  Then on model 2, edit the start channel to 'end of model' and select model 1 and daisy chain your models together.  since you are not using autosize, you will need to set the total number of channel you expect this controller to have assigned on the controller tab.  If this makes sense, great, if not swing by the zoom room for further help. 
--Ron A.

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