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3 LEDs 1 Chip Strips

Started by Petrey, September 24, 2024, 07:04:36 PM

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I have 6 arches, 15 nodes per arch with 3 lights per node. Question is where do I power inject them? With my bullet lights I've been doing it at every 100. 2 Arches would be 90 LEDs, but I tested with a string of 50 nodes and 3 1/2 lit up which would be the 50. Where would you inject? These are homemade PEX arches. 


With 12v, I power inject in between arch 2 and 3 in a 4 arch setup. I have more 25 pixels with 75 leds in each. I also run them much lower than other people. I think I had it down to 40% last time I set them up. With PEX, I heard some people have to run higher to see the colors.

Connect them all up the way you want to link them. Turn on white and look at the color. Where it fades out is where you need to inject.


At what voltage?  I have been power balancing my props, including my arches and for the most part, I don't power inject at all and my 4 arches are PVC and always run at 100%.  Most of my other props run at 30% or lower.


Here's what I'm doing on my arches.  I have six arches that each have a 2.5 meter ribbon of 12 volt 60 pixel per meter for a total of 150 pixels - although they are grouped as a group size of 3, so appears as 50 pixels per arch.  The ribbon is inside 2 inch PEX tube.  I run the pixels at 100%.

The controller is in the middle of the six arches - or between arches 3 & 4.  The ends of arches 3 & 4 closest to the controller are driven from the controller, and the other arches are daisy chained from arches 3 & 4.  So each chain is 450 pixels.  At the outer end of arches 1 & 6, I am injecting power.  In this case the controller is a Falcon Smart Receiver so there are four pixel outputs.  Two of those are used for the two halves of the string of arches and the other two are used to source the power injection.  There is a 350 watt power supply (overkill, but it's my standard supply) in the box with the Smart Receiver.
Using LOR (mostly SuperStar) for all sequencing - using FPP only to drive P5 and P10 panels.
My show website:



Guess I should have mentioned it's 12 volts. I've been going by this calculator. Controllers a Kulp 16 A/B. It has a 5 amp fuse inline. I've always heard to run anything in PEX at 100% to get it to shine through. I was going to have the controller supply Arches 1 - 3 and inject for 4 - 6, but that would be 135 pixels per feed. 


I use this tubing from Mcmaster 50375K64, use ribbon strip 50 pixels each pixel is a group of 3, on my show I use six arches, two arches per output at 30%, the controller is roughly in the middle, for the 2 arches on each side I use F-amps from pixel controller .llc, , I have not had any issues with the arches..


I am using exactly the same 2 inch McMaster Carr tubing that LedMutt listed above (I had written 1 inch in my earlier post, but that was a typo that I have now fixed).  Fortunately for both LedMutt and I, there is a McMaster Carr facility fairly close by so no shipping involved.  That pipe REALLY looks good.
Using LOR (mostly SuperStar) for all sequencing - using FPP only to drive P5 and P10 panels.
My show website:



I'll have to inject. Around the 3rd starts to dim. Light doesn't help the pic.

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