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color issues

Started by Chris48, October 06, 2024, 06:03:12 AM

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im running a kulp K16A-B controller and i have an upper roofline w 12v ws2811 strips that are BRG color order. They have been up for a few years and my lower roof line are the same strips. When i test in FPP everything tests fine but when i play a show the upper roof line shows completely diffrent colors from what its suppose to be. even on older shows that have worked properly in the past. All my settings are the same between upper and lower roof lines, i am out of ideas of what it could be and any ideas will help. Thank You!


The first thing that comes to mind is that even though the lower roof line "looks" like the same strips, they are not. Different vendors might use different color orders, and I have also seen the same vendor carry similar looking strips that had different color orders. You can verify the color order by going into your controller and look at the Output ports and set them all to RGB, save and restart FPP. Then go to Display Testing and select the Solid Color Test Pattern and move all 3 sliders to 0. Enable the Test Mode and then slide the red slider to full on. Whatever color the lights are will be the first color in the order. Slide the red Slider to 0 and then the green one to full on. That will give you the second color order, repeat with the blue slider.

There are basically 2 places (or 3 if you don't let xLights manage your controllers) that you can set the color order, and it should only be set in one place, the rest should be RGB. In xLights, there are 2 places, in the String Properties and in the Controller connection.

If you use the String Properties, then xLights will manage the color order and convert the RGB color to what you have in the string properties. With this method, if you need to make a color order change, then you have to re-render all of your sequences.

If you use the Controller connection in xLights, then xLights will send the color order to the controller and configure the ports to the proper color order. But this only happens if you upload the outputs from xLights to your controller.

If you don't use xLights to upload your outputs, then you will have to manually enter it into the controller.

Make sure that the String Properties on your roof lines are set to RGB color order and then set the Controller connection Color order to BRG and then upload your config.

Let us know if that works.
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


these strips were all purchased from the same vendor at the same time. they have been working for a few years with no problems. under controller connection they are both set as BRG and under string properties set as RGB. when i upload to the controllers the settings are correct. when i put fpp into test mode the strips work perfectly...all red... all blue...all green, but when i run my show that one roofline of strips is yellow and light blue instead of green and orange. i checked my sequence and the colors are correct...i even rendered my show before i uploaded it to fpp. the only difference in the upper and lower roofline strips is that they are on different controllers. I even checked all connections on the roofline in question. Thank you for answering and for your help!


Quote from: Chris48 on October 07, 2024, 04:44:08 PMbut when i run my show that one roofline of strips is yellow and light blue instead of green and orange.
Then it is probably a channel issue. 
Do you have all of your controllers set to Auto Size, Full xLights control, and Auto Layout Models? 
Do you use the visualizer to assign your props?
Have you uploaded your controller configurations to the controllers using FPP Connect? Depending on how you are running your show, the UDP Output might need to be set.
Have you rendered and saved (in that order) before you uploaded the sequences?
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


* Auto size, Full xlights control, and auto layout models all checked on both controllers. 
* yes, i go to visualise and place my props in order
* i upload my controller settings through the upload output on the controller page and shows through FPP connect
* i see a setting in FPP connect for UDP output select...none, all, proxied...they are set at none ( I did change them to     all and uploaded to controllers and it gave me an error 50 (i think) and then when i played the show everything that       was supposed to be green and purple went blue and yellow over the whole show)
* yes, rendered and then saved then uploaded by using FPP connect to my 2 controllers


I am not sure what is going on. Jump in the Zoom room and that way we can see your settings in more detail. In case you don't know what the Zoom Room is, here is some info.
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.

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