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Setting up 64x64 modules in LEDVision

Started by Bluescreen2001, October 24, 2024, 12:51:54 PM

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I want to build a big LED screen from 20 pieces of 64x64 indoor panels with an overall resolution of 320x256 pixels, but I cannot get even smaller screens with these modules configured in LEDVision. One problem may be that I have no config file for the modules and the "Intelligent setup" shows them as 64Wx32H.

Because I have not so much room on my desk and it seems you cannot have no more than two modules in a row on one connector, I started with a smaller setup: 2x3 modules giving a total resolution of 128x192 pixel.

"Intelligent setup" looks good first. I get the right colors, then 32 rows light up, then one line and during pixel assignment the first line of the first panel on the first connector lights up from left to right and then from top to bottom 32 lines (not 64, as it seems LEDVision does not know about 64x64 modules). I can only setup the width of the module, not the height. The top line of the second module keeps on during this process (the leftmost 64 pixels of my screen).

After that I see a flickering screen on the top row of modules (64 pixels) with tho top and bottom half of the modules and both modules on the first connector showing the same. It seems I see only every second line of the picture. If I stop LEDVision the flickering stops and the last picture is stable.

Connector 2 shows nothing, Connector 3 shows some flickering green lines.

Here some information about my hardware:
- receiver card: 5A-75B
- Module type: P3(2121)64X64-32S-M5.1
- driver chip: ICND2046AP
- Row driver chipRUC7258E
- 1/32 scan

Can anyone point me how to setup a 64x64 module in LEDVision or can provied a config file for these?
BTW.: I can control four of these modules with an ESP32 without any issues, so I think there is no hardware issue.

I am sorry, but it seems I cannot upload a picture of the screen here.

Thank you for help.

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