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Another Noobie Asking for help

Started by Dave, October 05, 2019, 03:34:26 PM

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I have a Raspberry Pi 3 and have downloaded the latest falcon player.
Following the instructions I have loaded the FPP-v3.3-Pi.img file onto a SD card and booted up my Raspberry Pi 3.  I have tried reading the forum but most posts don't seem to address my specific issue.

Attached to my Raspberry Pi is a ethernet cable connected directly to my eero router.  I also have a hdmi connection to a monitor and a USB mouse and keyboard are also attached.  Oh year and just in case a usb thumb drive.

My Pi boots up and leads me to a logon scrip to which I enter FPP for user name and Falcon for the password.

Then I go to my laptop and type FPP but I am sent to bing instead of my FPP setup.  I have also tried: http://fpp.local/ and go to a site not found screen.

Using my router app and the Advanced IP Scanner, I can see the IP address for my Pi.  I've even tried to connect by typing the IP address in my web browser to no avail.

Unfortunately I'm weak at the networking processes.  Does anyone have any suggestions or any advice for who I should talk to go get past this hurdle.

I'm very frustrated but hopeful that someone can help ;)


First it should resolve in a web browser by IP address. You should start by trying to ping the IP and verify if in fact you have the correct IP address of the FPP. Type ifconfig on the FPP to make sure you know the IP address. Once this is verify and you can ping it. Then it should just resolve. If not you might try adding an entry in your hosts file if it doesn't. First things first. Get to it via IP address in the browser first.


hosts file

# For example:
#          # source server
#              # x client host

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
#      localhost
# ::1            localhost FPP

You need to run the editor "notepad" in administrator mode in order to save the file.


You DO NOT access FPP through the interface that is showing on the monitor. It is all done through a web interface. You do not need the monitor, keyboard or mouse, disconnect them for now. There is a new FPP manual that has step by step instructions located here:

I don't know what settings if any you configured, but if you can start over following the instructions and then let us know if you have any issues. 
A few things that we need to know:
What is the IP address of your router?
What IP address did IP Scanner show for the FPP and did it list the device as FPP?

We will get you through this!
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.

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