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K8-B Brightness

Started by dreiman, November 09, 2024, 06:48:05 AM

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I will have to experiment more, but it doesn't seem like the brightness control in FPP for the k8-B is changing the intensity. Unless it a very subtle change? I put it down to 10% and to me it seems just as bright as 30%. (I started at 30%)

I didn't try pumping it up to 100% to see if they get stupid bright. But at 30% they are BRIGHT. Too bright. I set it to 10% and its still too bright.

I used the test button on the F8 tab, and effects testing, and I ran a sequence.  

Tonight I am going to try beefing up the % to see if they do get even brighter. 

Anyone have any thoughts? If I drop the brightness in that tab, it should over all lower the brightness correct? Is there a setting somewhere in FPP or Xlights that effects how this works?


I figured it out. 

You know, when you tell port 5 to be 30%, and you plug it into port 4.... Port 4 isn't going to be 30%......

But I am happy to report that if you do it the right way, the brightness setting works fine....


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oh the best was last night.  hang up 2 more Coro icicle sections last night. I have 12 sections that go up, and I am doing a couple a day until they are up. 2 out of the last 5 to go up.

After I hung them, I connected the controller to the 2 sections that were daisy chained. 

Test mode.... Nothing from the 2 sections.

The wire that runs from the controller to that section is about 40 feet, so I figure maybe it's not getting voltage. Where these are, they need power injection. But I figured they would light up enough to confirm they are working. So I think, maybe not enough juice I go ahead and install the power supply near by and hook it up.

Try it again... Nothing.

The pixels on the icicles have an odd connector. Its like a ray or X, but smaller. Some Chinese concoction. So I made an adapter. its an easy point of failure, so I checked that next. Put the meter on it, and only the data wire has continuity.  I used a snap lock to splice the adapter together. apparently that one was bad. Fixed that and ensured there was continuity on all pins.

Connect it all up. Test... Nothing...

Grab my Fluke.  I check the run from the icicles to the controller. I am thinking there is an issue there. nope... Seems fine.

Connect the icicles, leaving the controller end un plugged. Check voltage... I should see 5 volts. Nothing. Flat line.  Check the controller port.. Nothing !?!... I notice the fuse light is out. Change the fuse.  Check continuity on + & -. BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. A short, and it's not in the run, So it's in the icicles......


Check the input side of the icicles. Short.  go to the end, and the PS is near. Short on that side. Look at the PS... Notice its on.  If there is a short, the PS should be in fault mode but it's green.

Anyone guess the issue yet? I knew it as soon as I saw it was green...

If you said I attached + & - both to ground... DING DING DING. Winner winner chicken dinner...

Good times man...

In the end.. all is working until the next adventure.

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