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Started by nagyOUT, January 12, 2020, 11:09:53 PM

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Hey all!

Been looking at doing my own Cape for the BBB, and during some research in terms of integration with Falcon Player, i discovered that during cape detection, there is checks for a Cape onboard EEPROM, and further signing of a FPP02 header based "file" against public keys stored in script/keys. 

As I haven't looked into the source files in great detail, I assume this is to protect various board makers products by only allowing "signed" boards to work? Will a RGB-123 work without a onboard EEPROM?

In order for me to do my own board, I was unable to find a script which "creates" this FPP02 related file which is stored on the cape's EEPROM. Is there a script or file format detail documented somewhere?

Further, what is the process in submitting my own vendor/public key.. Just a simple Pull request to the main git?



One of these days I need to document it...   For basic uses of providing configuration of string mappings, it doesn't need to be digitally signed.   That's important as folks can create boards and provide the pin mappings on the eeprom so we don't need to keep adding mappings into /opt/fpp/capes/* .    All the mappings were getting to be a pain to maintain.   The more advanced things DO require digital signatures and thats to protect the vendors that are supporting and contributing to the development of FPP and the work they have put into it.   Thus, it depends on what you need.  For basic capes that will work and output pixels, it's not something to worry about.
Daniel Kulp -


Being able to store the pin mappings is a great idea.
Anyways, I'll keep an eye out for either further documentation or a script to package up the EEPROM bin data.

Out of interest, what are the more advanced things it's will allow?


Quote from: nagyOUT on January 13, 2020, 04:12:24 AMBeing able to store the pin mappings is a great idea.
Anyways, I'll keep an eye out for either further documentation or a script to package up the EEPROM bin data.

Out of interest, what are the more advanced things it's will allow?
Hi nagyOUT, did you manage to find a script to package up the eeprom?



We will likely be adding an official script to the FPP github repository to generate eeprom files, but are still discussing some related topics.  Right now I think there are 4 different implementations out there including the above plugin.


Did you guy ever work out an official script?
I couldn't find one

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