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Holiday Display Manager

Started by deanathpc, April 14, 2016, 01:47:23 PM

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Quote from: plaberge on April 18, 2016, 09:52:00 PM

I had no problem running it. It is an excellent piece of work - very comprehensive! But, I'm not going to be using it. If I was still running a lot of AC, I might consider it if only to figure out power consumption. For pixels, overall power consumption is not such a big deal anymore, at least, not to me. With Xlights, devices like the Falcon F16V2, and the FPP, a lot of the relevant information is already captured. Other features, such as the To-Do, are adequately covered by many other programs.

Possible enhancements that might make it more attractive to folks like me: reading the  xlights_rgbeffects.xml; figure out the models, channels, pixels, address ranges, then overlay info this on top of the Xlights layout screen. At that point it would be cool to be able to specify the controller being used for each model or model group, the pixel types being used and then extracting all of the mapping information from the FPP or other Falcon devices like the F16V2. From there you could automatically compute power use per controller, etc. From the Xlights/FPP, you could also grab the playlist(s), the song metadata and compute the overall metrics, etc.

All of this is nice to have but not essential, so take my suggestions with a grain of salt.

Thanks Paul.  I'm noting your above down.  I do not have an F16V2 yet so I'm not sure what that does for everyone.  Yet.  And I'm still getting up to speed on the new XLights also so I will have to take a look at that side of it.


Stafford, NY
FPP, F16v2R's, SanDevice, LE's, xLights


Noticing how quiet it got on this.  I'll continue to post updates and I catch things.  I will also continue to use this software also.  Be sure to keep track of the version you are using compared to what I post here.  Data structure will be changing here soon so please keep this in mind with your data.  Feel free to test away in the mean time.  If all else fails you could send me your data file and I will update it manually and send it back to you.  I'll keep you posted as time goes on.

Stafford, NY
FPP, F16v2R's, SanDevice, LE's, xLights


You have to take into account that at this time of the year, people are doing other things such as getting their homes ready for the summer and planning late spring and summer events and vacations.  I don't have all that much time myself for holiday decorating stuff this time of year either but try and get some time together by mid August in order to get ready for Halloween.


Quote from: tbone321 on April 28, 2016, 02:47:03 PM
You have to take into account that at this time of the year, people are doing other things such as getting their homes ready for the summer and planning late spring and summer events and vacations.  I don't have all that much time myself for holiday decorating stuff this time of year either but try and get some time together by mid August in order to get ready for Halloween.

Oh I totally understand that.  And that is why I can get all of this work done on this now.  Otherwise it would be on the back burner until after the lighting season.

This is also why I am keeping up with this log on here so when folks do get the chance they can be as up to date as possible.

Thanks for your response! :)


Stafford, NY
FPP, F16v2R's, SanDevice, LE's, xLights

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