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Chasing FPP failures

Started by lrhorer, December 26, 2023, 10:34:04 AM

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I have been using FPP for nearly 10 years, and it is a great product.  One issue that has been very persistent for me has been system lockups.  For me, personally, and some others these are extremely problematic.  I cannot think that they would be annoying at best for anyone.  This thread will be dedicated to chasing this issue or issues down.


My first few years (4+ years ago), my show was somewhat unstable (maybe a glitch/lock every other night or so) that would require a reboot.

However, for the last two years (at least) I've not had any issue with my show running (across 7-9 various Pi's).  A few OS updates may have taken a couple attempts, but it's not impacted my show (as I update the software during the day).

Granted, I'm just a general user and I'm just following the developers instructions.


7.3.x was a bumpy ride, but 7.4 has been rock solid.  My FPP devices and controllers run 24/7 and zero issues.


FPP shouldn't be able to do too much to lock up the system unless it is bad hardware.  We had over 11,000 FPP systems report in during December and that is just the ones who have internet access and the user chose to enable stats reporting, so we expect the actual live number is much higher.

Some of us run FPP systems all year long and never have issues.  I have multiple systems that the only time they reboot is when I do an OS upgrade.

We (Dan mostly) recently squashed a lot of bugs that came in through the crashlogs, but some of those logs aren't as helpful as others, so if you can reproduce an issue, then perhaps running under a debugger or something might help track down the problems causing your issues.  They may be in channel outputs or other areas of the code which few people are using.

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