
LATEST RELEASE:  FPP 8.5.1 - Download from here -



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Falcon Player (FPP) / Re: stopping a playlist in fpp...
Last post by darylc - February 15, 2025, 02:21:43 PM
Go to your FPP, Input/Output Setup menu, then GPIO Inputs, then press your F1 key to get the help page up which explains a bunch of stuff.

You want to look at the Stop Now or Stop Gracefully commands
Falcon Player (FPP) / stopping a playlist in fpp wit...
Last post by buckarooboy - February 15, 2025, 12:15:49 PM
greg macaree posted a useful video where he configures fpp/pi to start a playlist using GPIO 26 and ground.  Does anyone know what pins to connect to use a momentary switch to stop a playlist and what rising/falling edge pull up/down settings need to be implemented. the commands have 'start playlist' but not stop playlist.
F48v4 Differential Controller (Blue) / Re: xlights controller config
Last post by MikeKrebs - February 14, 2025, 09:35:16 PM
Anything plugged into an external controller goes on that controller.
F48v4 Differential Controller (Blue) / xlights controller config
Last post by bobnorris - February 14, 2025, 09:59:54 AM
i already have 7 LOR controllers on COMM4 and a holiday coro e131 running for several years. 
was told LOR always at top of controller window.
Added F16v4 and smart receivers this year. Also adding another LOR plugged into F16 port.
Question where does the new LOR go? Under F16 or under comm4 ?
Falcon Player (FPP) / Re: MQTT Disconnected issues i...
Last post by wtstreetglow - February 14, 2025, 08:03:32 AM
@CaptainMurdoch Years later. Hello! :-) I actually can't figure out how to edit the title on the forum. Maybe it is because I am trying to edit it so much later. I actually came back because I am having issues in HA again with regards to mqtt connection to fpp. I will start a new thread this afternoon with details if I can't figure it out. Currently, I am running v. 2.0 of FPP so I will update to 8.5 and reboot a few things and see if the issue goes away.
Falcon Player (FPP) / 8.5.1 broke ffpd on restart af...
Last post by MikeKrebs - February 12, 2025, 10:08:03 PM
PP Version:8.5.1
Platform:Raspberry Pi (Pi 3 Model B)
FPP OS Build:v2025-02
OS Version:Raspbian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
Hardware Serial Number:00000000f08f3424
Kernel Version:6.6.74+rpt-rpi-v7
System Boot Time:2025-02-12 22:53:47
fppd Uptime:
Local Git Version:3c40b2e ChangeLog
Remote Git Version:3c40b2e

FFPD won't start. Crash report supposedly uploaded.

Didn't happen right after the upgrade but after a restart. I restarted because the After hours plugin was not detecting MPC/MPD. Subsequently uninstalled all plugins, restarted and still crashed FPPD.

I will give it a few days and see if next update fixes. Then I will try a clean install.
Falcon PiCap / Re: K2-Pi-Servo
Last post by breese - February 11, 2025, 01:50:52 PM
I am attamping to learn the new Kulp K2-Pi-Servo hat and am having a few issues with xLights and FPP.
I setup the DMX skull in xLights.
The goal is the automate my singing Santa with the 3-axse, mouth servo, and torso servo.

The channels listed in xLights do not match the channels listed in FPP servo outputs But the servo's operate as per the FPP outputs when using output to lights in xLights.
Opening the visualizer I see the jaw, pan, tilt, nod, along with Eye LR, Torso (what I need), and eye brightness.
In FPP servo outputs I see these same listed after uploading outputs.
In xLights, the Torso does not appear.
In xLights, Strand/Node Names, all of them appear.
Under Skull Config, choosing Skulltronics, nothing changes Except the Skull OBJ disappears.
Same for choosing 16 Bits.

Has anyone created a full prop using the K2-Pi-Servo?

BeagleBone Black Controllers / Re: K32 only the pixels stoppe...
Last post by AAH - February 10, 2025, 11:45:33 PM
A pebcak issue is what I would suggest is the cause.
Without screenshots of the settings there isn't really anything to go by. If you have logging enabled you might be able to see something in the logs to indicate what was going on at the time the schedule was ticking over.
Falcon Player Plugins / Re: Scoreboard Plugin
Last post by CaptainMurdoch - February 06, 2025, 04:34:30 PM
There isn't anything out of the box that will do this currently.  I did work on a scoreboard plugin to do what you are wanting, but it got put on the back burner and is only halfway complete due to limited time and my kids not being in sports currently.  Attached are screenshots of a couple pages to setup and use along with a virtual matrix displaying a basketball scoreboard.  If someone wants to help pick up this code and continue it, I am more than happy to put it up on github to aid collaboration.

The thought was to have different modes that the scoreboard could run in for basketball, football, baseball, volleyball and other sports and to have buttons for playing audio files, automatic buzzer at 00:00, etc..  The plugin is only halfway done, and includes a frontend web portion and backend C++ portion that is loaded in FPP to handle things like the clock timer.
BeagleBone Black Controllers / K32 only the pixels stopped ou...
Last post by tetleytealeaf - February 06, 2025, 02:03:40 PM
Reporting a strange problem:

So I'm still running my show.  Valentine's Day.  I haven't even touched anything, besides just reprogramming the Scheduler to play VDay sequence back around week 2 of January.   Two nights ago--all by itself--my master K32 controller decided not to output any pixels at all, including on the receivers.   My remotes worked ok (including a remote K32), the ttys 1/2 ports on the master worked ok, the audio output from the master was ok.  Only all the pixels didn't work.  

Then...last night...the problem fixed itself.  Just as easily as it stopped working, it equally decided to start working again.  Huh??   What on earth could be the single point of failure that would cause only all the pixels on only the FPP master to not work for one night?   Being hacked??   I can safely rule out the PSU (since the receivers are on their own PSU's and also did not work).

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+- Recent Topics

stopping a playlist in fpp with pi gpio pins by darylc
February 15, 2025, 02:21:43 PM

xlights controller config by MikeKrebs
February 14, 2025, 09:35:16 PM

MQTT Disconnected issues in FPP-Using with Home Assistant,hope someone can help) by wtstreetglow
February 14, 2025, 08:03:32 AM

8.5.1 broke ffpd on restart after upgrade by MikeKrebs
February 12, 2025, 10:08:03 PM

K2-Pi-Servo by breese
February 11, 2025, 01:50:52 PM

K32 only the pixels stopped outputting by AAH
February 10, 2025, 11:45:33 PM

Scoreboard Plugin by CaptainMurdoch
February 06, 2025, 04:34:30 PM

Power failure wreaked havoc by perigalacticon
February 05, 2025, 04:04:27 AM

What is the fanout capabilities of ws2811 controllers? by k6ccc
February 04, 2025, 05:53:10 PM

SPixels broken in version 6 and upwards by dkulp
February 04, 2025, 02:52:30 PM

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