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Info on the oled

Started by AAH, April 04, 2019, 03:21:56 AM

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Just to make sure that the OLED's were not bad I installed them on another PI running Raspbian and ran the Adafruit example code for the SSD1306, and they both worked without issue, but still no output in FPP.


From the command line as root, I'd do:

systemctrl stop fppoled
cd /opt/fpp/src

and see if anything useful spits out on screen.

Daniel Kulp -


When I try to run the last command I get the following:

-bash: ./fppoled : No such file or directory

I have verified I am in the /opt/fpp/src folder, and looking in that folder I do not see that file.  I do find a fppoled file in the /opt/fpp/scripts/ folder.  Should I run this?


No.. sounds like it didn't get build.   In /opt/fpp/src, run "sudo make optimized" and see if builds.

Daniel Kulp -


Quote from: Gilmax on May 02, 2019, 11:49:13 AM
When I try to run the last command I get the following:

-bash: ./fppoled : No such file or directory

I have verified I am in the /opt/fpp/src folder, and looking in that folder I do not see that file.  I do find a fppoled file in the /opt/fpp/scripts/ folder.  Should I run this?

I got similar results when I used 5V....reconnected to 3.3V point and everything worked as expected.  Could this be your issue


It appears that my machine was having problems resolving while trying to build the upgrade.  I have resolved the resolution issue, and forced a manual upgrade, and it now appears to be working properly.  Thank you all for your help.


Quote from: Gilmax on May 02, 2019, 10:34:57 AM
Yes, as stated, I selected the 128x64 (SSD1306) setting and rebooted, but still have no output.

Go to the FPP troubleshooting commands page in the UI and look at the process list at the very bottom of the page and see if you see 'fppoled' listed in there anywhere.

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