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current/ efuse control should it work? K8-PB -> SRx1 v5.00

Started by benbennett, January 05, 2025, 05:32:36 PM

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I have the k8-pb working with the SRx1 v5.00 but was hoping that current status and efuse  control would work.
Tried different combinations can get the ports to light up but cannot get any port status information.  Tried setting dumb,smart v1, smart v2 and the SRx1 v5.00 with various ids A, 4, 0 . 

Should the k8-pb be able to get current status. I seen there is code in github for current status but maybe I am missing something. 

Also I have the F8-Distro with E-Fuses hooked up . 
Everything works but cannot get control. 

Also do you need a falcon controller to update the firmware SRx1 v5.00 or is there other ways? 


No.  The only boards that can have the bidirectional hardware required to retrieve the information are the F16v5, F48v5, and the K16 v2 and v3's.   

Daniel Kulp -


"Smart" means you can daisy chain them in line, for the k8 lines it is just a limit of how many pixels? Can the k16 v3 do firmware updates for the rx's or does that require a falcon controller? I have k8-pb(2x) the k8-pi (2x) prefer a linux distro device just because that is what I use to. i will chase down a k16 when they are back in stock.

Any hints or is it proprietary of what the external fuse control line protocol is using? I have k8s in the same box as the F8-Distro and would love to reset the fuses from the k8.

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