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RGBIC lights?

Started by twooly, January 06, 2025, 11:38:46 AM

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Hoping someone can help with this.  Looking to do permanent light setup on my house.  I've had 2811 pixels in pvc on the gutters for years, I know there are options like the permatrack.  Honestly just seems rather "bulky".  I love the form factor of govee product but of course I still want that control through FPP for my show.  Yes I know there are hacks for use govee ones still, just way expensive for what it really is.  But in the end they are just leds I know Ray and such can do and cheaper vs hacking an over priced same product.
Found these so said why not give it a shot, works order some more.  I know they are working but just can't get them 100%.  They go through their test cycle when just power is applied and no data, so I know they work.

Connected up to a Kulp F8-B+ v3.0 on a Beagle Bone Green.  Configured but the lights never respond, just continue their cycle, like no data is being sent to them.  Data is being sent because I put a set of bullets on port 2 and they respond like I would expect.

Try a Pi with Falcon Pi Hat, little further but still doesn't respond to simple fpp test.  If I do the "blank between" setting they shut off so they at least respond to something.

Next try a Falon F4 v2...nothing on that, responds just like the F8-B+

Try a WLED controller (ESPixelStick v2.0) with WLED flashed on it and they respond. Terrible colors (not a true red for example), even though the test cycle of just power on the leds shows a ton better red.

Any thoughts or guesses before I have to write these off as a no go.  Any other products like this that should work with FPP (falcons/pi hat/kulp cape)?  My guess is maybe since they are RGBIC thats throwing it off?

Thanks in advance.


TM1814 lights are not compatible with Kulp controllers to the best of my knowledge.  (most popular light controllers for that matter)


I have the Permatrack system and am pretty happy with it.  I went from 4-6" spacing hanging strawberry C9s lights to 2" inch spacing permatrack, and the entire house effects look sooooo much nicer.  In fact, so much better that I got rid of all my remaining 4" spacing lights the next year.   If you are just hanging some lights in the eaves then no big deal, but if you want your house to look like Tom BetGeorge's... the tighter spacing the better.


Bummer figured since they control 1804 1814 would be close enough.  Guessing the extra W is throwing something off.  Got WLED working now after some more configuring (had to swap colors BRG and swap the W-R).  Would love to control VIA FPP, may do a different controller for WLED with a ethernet port vs controlling VIA wifi.  Also got a 2811 IC batch coming too to test.

I thought about the permatrack but honestly its bulky in comparison and why I'm trying to go down this route.


Seed/Pebble lights are the rave.  You could 3D print some mounting strips.

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