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Adafruit Animated Eyes Bonnet with TFT display

Started by Charles Belcher, July 22, 2021, 08:10:04 AM

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Charles Belcher

One of the 2018 "AllStars" on The Great Light Fight


I'm not sure if it is doable or not but, if it were me, I'd go with one of the other boards that the learning guide links off to (i.e. Teensy, Feather, etc.) that look to be able to do the same thing.  Without much experience here, my gut instinct would be that you will need to write some kind of script at a minimum for it to work inside FPP on the Pi.  I would rather go with a separate board that is responsible for controlling the eyes (where you should be able to use their code exactly as-is) and substituting the physical buttons with connections to the Pi's GPIO pins.  You should then be able to control those pins via the FPP native interface to have the "buttons" triggered via a sequence.  In this approach you would need to make sure to read up on connecting the boards together.  If I'm not mistaken, you would need connect the grounds together.  You also would need to be sure that your not sending to much voltage from one to other that it fries a pin, perhaps add a resistor in.

Somebody else could probably give far better advice, but that's my initial take on how I would approach it.

Charles Belcher


Thank you for your reply.

Adafruit says the new style animated eyes is far greater than the Teensy so I am going to pursue that.

I am hoping that Dan, Captain or one of the testers will see this and reply.

One of the 2018 "AllStars" on The Great Light Fight

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