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Looking for some clarification

Started by JerryPlak, October 02, 2023, 09:18:55 AM

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Been looking at some Flood Lights that are Ws2814 protocol RGBW currently must of the controllers only output Ws2811 Ch protocol, anyone knows what controllers can output most of Ws281X protocol, have checked some of the different controllers and haven't found the information I'm looking for..

 second part of this question, will xLights be able to control a RGB and W channels separately...

For an example on the RGB channel one can be able to do color fade ups and downs or for an example a butterfly effect while being be able to control the W separately...

Hopefully I don't get some people butthurt over this..
Jerry Plak


All of the WS281x pixels are the same protocol so in theory anything supporting WS2811 will be fine.

If they are 4 channel pixels then you can control the channels individually, most (all?) RGBW's that I've seen are.


From the controller, test modes may not work real well on 4 channel pixels versus 3 channel but the controllers will just send pixel data down the line. Since WS2814 is ws281x protocol, any controller that has ws281x could be used.

You can model ws2814 pixels in xLights and then you can tell it that the pixels are many different versions of rgbw. Then you can tell xLights what to do with the W channel. You'll need to do a bit of research on how that all works and best options for how you want them controlled. I couldn't googlefu that for you but I'm sure someone has a RGBW tutorial.

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