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Can't find IP address and have bad OLED Screen. HELP

Started by djmc2002, December 06, 2024, 02:55:37 PM

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Help - I had to do a reset and update to firmware because of some issues I was having. Upon restart I found that my OLED screen had failed.  I can not find the IP address of this controller and of course the old one won't work and of course won't come up. I have done a search for any new IP address on my net but cant see anything that is new or different.

It was suggested that default.  I can't find that either.  Worked through an issue like with with David Pitts several years ago (when I first discovered the oled had failed  - of course I forgot it was failed when I did this reset but seemed to me to be a somewhat simple thing to find the address Beyond stressed as this point!  Please help!


I found the manual for the F16v2 link below.  Can you plug it into your home network, boot it up, and then login to your router to see if your router assigned it an IP address?

Might stop by the xLights Zoom Room if no one else replies.

Xlights Zoom Room

F16v2 Manual


I tried that with direct from controller to router and still did not find anything.  Thanks for the suggestion

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