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FPP Developer

Started by DesignTagline, November 24, 2024, 06:03:18 AM

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Hello, looks like there are a few posts here but I am looking to engage a developer for the coding of two medium scale FPP plugins. I could contract just normal PHP/C++ programmer but I'd prefer someone with FPP knowledge. 


What's the timeline?   I'm certainly open to custom/sponsored development and did exactly that for Skulltronix last year producing a useful plugin for them along with some extra FPP functionality.    The main issue right now is that December is not really the time for that.   It's really time for concentrating on bug/crash fixes to make sure everyone's shows are working as well as possible.
Daniel Kulp -


Would be early next year. If you are interested I can provide a bit more detail in PM regarding scope, etc. I did PM you a few months ago but with your current workload mixed with the amount of other people that are likely contacting you it may have gotten lost.

Send me a PM when you have some time 

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