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LOR to xLights

Started by DaSarge, November 16, 2024, 03:24:14 PM

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Guys/Gals, need some serious help here.  I am unfortunately running out of time to set up the Mega-Tree.

  I am currently doing my conversion from LOR over to xLights.  What I have from the old LOR world is this:

16 CCR's with 50 Nodes each
a 200 Node Star from SuperStar Lights.  2 strands at 100 Pixels each.  

I have a F16V5 and a SR board with 4 additional ports.  Ports 1 and 2 handle the star and the 16 ports on the F16 handle the Ribbons.  

How do I get my sequences from LOR over to xLights.  in the LOR land it is known as SuperStar Sequencer.


Are they .sup files?  I was thinking a few vendors offer SuperStar Sequencer files to xLight users.  Might check out the below link to see if it is helpful.


I guess my headache is to get both the Star and the Tree together.  That is what I need to do 


I briefly looked into pulling my old LOR sequences over, but there were so many free xlights sequences I just started over.  If someone does not respond you might try the xLights sites. 

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