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Splitting a Large Matrix over 3 ports

Started by tkelba, January 03, 2025, 11:25:07 AM

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Hello, I am looking to create a Matrix of 1200 pixels that spans across the front of my house. 
It will be 30' long by 2 strands 
I am planning to control 400 pixels per port out of the differential controller being controlled by the F48. 
The element will be comprised of 3, 10 foot boards each with 2 rows of 200 pixels. 
Port 1 = Left to center Pillar 
Port 2 = center Pillar
Port 3 = center to right pillar

I want all of these ports and elements to be controlled by 1 Matrix or 1 model in xlights. Due to the house design, I need to split them this way

My question is, what Xlights model should I use for this and how can I set it up so that the 3 elements act as 1 matrix


Easiest way would be to create a new matrix.  To divide the 1200 pixel matrix into 3 strings, they must all be equal sizes which 400 is correct.  Then each of the 400 pixel sections must be equally divided as well.  8x50 pixels=400 or 10x40 pixels=400.   400 pixels will likely require power injection, so make sure they have enough power.

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My first reaction is a question.  Why a 2 row matrix?  I can't think of anything I would do with that configuration that would make it worth the effort of making a matrix that is only 2 rows high.  I would just do one row and think of how I could make use of the other half of the pixels for some other use - verticals, house or other object outline, window matrix (I have two window matrices of 600 pixels each. 20 wide x 30 vertical), Showstopper spinner (541 nodes), etc.  I photo of your house/yard may inspire others to mention ideas.
Jim Nealand
Kennesaw, GA all Falcon controllers, all 12v Master Remote Multisync with Pi and BBB P10 and P5


Quote from: tkelba on January 03, 2025, 11:25:07 AMMy question is, what Xlights model should I use for this and how can I set it up so that the 3 elements act as 1 matrix
If I understand correctly, you want something like this?
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If so, like @jnealand stated, you really can't do much with a 2 row matrix.
But if you want to do something like this. you would need to create a custom model and then define it as 3 strings. It would only take a few minutes to create.
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


"The element will be comprised of 3, 10 foot boards each with 2 rows of 200 pixels."

10 ft x 12 inches per ft = 120 inches.

I don't know that 200 lights will fit in a 10ft span very well as that is just .6 inch spacing.  1 inch spacing is the smallest I would consider.  A single pixel is 12mm (.47 in) and that would not leave much material left to hold the pixel in.  I am not sure what you plan on doing with your matrix, but I would suggest you set it up in xLights and make sure the effects are going to work like you think it will before building it.  I agree with Jim and Rick a 2 two row matrix is pretty small.

To set it up as a Matrix, all the pieces need to be evenly divided, otherwise you would have create a custom model as Poporacer suggested.


Quote from: JonD on January 04, 2025, 10:11:04 AMTo set it up as a Matrix, all the pieces need to be evenly divided
But I don't think the native matrix will stack the strings horizontally?
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


Quote from: Poporacer on January 04, 2025, 10:13:54 AMBut I don't think the native matrix will stack the strings horizontally?
You are 100% correct.  You could do 2 stands of 600 pixels, but not 3 strands of 400.

Another option...120 pixels (10ft 1" spacing) x 3 (30ft) = 360 pixels.  2 strings of 360 = 720 total pixels. 

P.S.  Single line effects have issues playing over matrices and custom models sometimes.  Some will play fine. others not so much.  Again, make sure you import a few sequences to make sure it is going to play like you are hoping before building it. 


Will the three boards be touching or physically separate due to the house design?

If they are separate then you may want to go with 3 separate matrix models in xLights put into a group and then put effects on the group.  If you have a single model but there is uneven physical space between the pixels, there will be an odd 'jump' in the pixels when you do horizonatal/vertical movements where the effect will jump across the gap between the boards.  I have 3 P10 matrices in upstairs windows with about a 10" gap between windows.  I used to model these as 3 separate matrices in xLights and then put effects on either the individual models or the group model depending on the need.  When I ran an effect on the group, the effect smoothly went across the whole width rather than quickly jumping across each window frame gap.  This also looks better for whole house effects because you will be able to properly space out the boards in the preview.

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