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Having problems upgrading my system from WLED to FPP with differential receiver

Started by BillM, November 04, 2024, 07:13:25 AM

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In 2023, I had a 16 port LOR for the yard and a diguno WLED for house verticals and horizontals. The show was run from Xlights.
I have added a megatree with a K32A-B and Matrix with K16A-B (e-fused), The LOR is running from the K16A-B. I am using FPP 8.2.
So far so good. All working as expected.

I replaced the diguno WLED with a Smart Receiver SRx1 v4.00 run from the K16A-B. The horizontals are on the first port and the verticals on the second port.
The horizontals on the house are one prop in 8 Segments with power injection between segment 6 and 7. The eight segments are: 118 nodes, 99 nodes, 0 nodes, 92 nodes, 0 nodes, 224 nodes, 0 nodes, 169 nodes – total 702 nodes.
There are four vertical props of 46 nodes and one vertical prop of 35 nodes – total 219 nodes.

Using the test button on the Smart Receiver all nodes light.

Using Xlights/FPP only 202 out of 702 nodes light.

Any suggestions as to where I am going wrong.


Based on your question no suggestions.  A print screen of your xlight model configs, and FPP output would be helpful.

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