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Pi 5 does not boot with fresh image of 8.2

Started by jumblinjim, November 04, 2024, 09:31:17 PM

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Apologies if this issue has already been posted/addressed elsewhere. I didn't see it.

I have a brand new Pi 5 (1-Gig). I loaded FPP 8.2 from Raspberry Pi Imager. When I boot it begins the sequence (green LED lights flash). I have HDMI plugged in and I begin to see the boot sequence on screen, but seconds later the LED turns solid red, and the screen goes black. It's fast enough I can't read what it may be saying on screen regarding a potential issue.

Is this a known problem/incompatibility? Or, maybe there's a known fix/work around?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.




Agreed, don't use the Raspberry Pi imager - it's adds stuff that is nice if you are going to be running a "normal" Raspberry Pi, but seems to cause problems for FPP.  I have used both the imagers that JonD linked with FPP - currently use DotNetDiskImager.
Using LOR (mostly SuperStar) for all sequencing - using FPP only to drive P5 and P10 panels.
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Thank you for the suggestions. I'll try that tonight and report back.


Well, I'm still struggling... Some additional notes:

1.      Tried to image using Balena Etcher ... blinks green for a moment and then solid red
2.      Tried to image using DotNetDiskImager ...  blinks green for a moment and then solid red
3.      Tried using older 32-bit DiskImager on a Win10 machine ...  blinks green for a moment and then solid red
4.      I notice when I remove the SD card after boot attempt from Pi5 that the SD card has been modified and split into two partitions with a third unallocated space.
5.      I tried using the Raspberry Pi Misc Utility to change the boot order to SD Card first. That had no impact. A fresh FPP 8.2 image on a single partition is then chopped up into sperate partitions again after booting in the Pi5

Anybody have additional suggestions?




At one time SanDisk recommended to only use the above utility to format the cards.  Try formatting with the above utility, use either of the imagers I mentioned above, and if that does not resolve, try another SD card.  Amazon and others are known to sell counterfeit cards on occasion.  It also seems like I saw somewhere that certain SD cards that worked with 7.5 no longer work with 8.0.  Something with the newer drivers.  What type of SD card is it?

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