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Unable to log into fpp 8.x

Started by rroscher, November 06, 2024, 09:49:23 PM

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I am unable to log into my BBB via an IP address the IP address I get is does not matter what web browser that I use to access this IP address nothing will load any suggestions


How is this BBB connected to your network?
the 169.254.X.X IP is a self assigned IP when it cannot find a DHCP server or have a static IP assigned.


Quote from: rroscher on November 06, 2024, 09:49:23 PMthe IP address I get is
Like was mentioned, this is not a "normal" IP address and it sounds like you are connecting your FPP directly to your computer? This will not work without some manual configuration on your computer. I suggest connecting it to your home network,
This might help?

It is for version 6 so it is a little outdated, but the process is still the same.
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


Agree with @breese.  The BBB device is not getting a response from the DHCP server for some reason.  Check your network cable, and your DHCP service.

Update: @Poporacer must have posted a few seconds before I did.  I had not seen Rick's comment before I posted mine.  With limited info I have no guess as to why the BBB is not getting an IP.

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