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f16v2r & b022 do not play well together

Started by Keebler, December 10, 2022, 12:02:19 PM

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after updating to the b022 firmware (from the b006) the port screen will not allow any pixels to be added. the error says the pixel count can not be more than "0" pixels..
please advise

see screen shot


and will not let me revert back to b006 nor 1.09 (claims the later is not compatible with controller)


I'm not running 22 on any of my F16v2s, but I have seen that msg when I did not have enough channels defined in the other tabs
Jim Nealand
Kennesaw, GA all Falcon controllers, all 12v Master Remote Multisync with Pi and BBB P10 and P5


I've been using b022 on a f16V2r two seasons or more. I have an expansion board so there is a slider on the top to allocate/balance the number of channels allowed. Try changing it to have an expansion (even if you don't) then change it back.
Long time Falcon, FPP and xLights user


Quote from: JonB256 on December 10, 2022, 07:14:11 PMI've been using b022 on a f16V2r two seasons or more. I have an expansion board so there is a slider on the top to allocate/balance the number of channels allowed. Try changing it to have an expansion (even if you don't) then change it back.
I did what you suggested and viola, i was able to add my pixels. however, even in test mode. NONE of the pixels light.


so, i have to ask... is there a way to revert back to an older build?


try a few outputs at 100% and see if you get any light.  20% is pretty low.
Long time Falcon, FPP and xLights user



Have you tried a Factory Reset?  or at least try reinstall b022
Long time Falcon, FPP and xLights user


factory reset (hold SEL while rebooting) - got the oled back
reinstalled b022 twice
same thing..
the controller says that it is sending out TEST, but nothing is displayed on the pixels. (even tried TEST mode via the oled)

raised intensity to 50% and tried 80% - still nothing



Quote from: Keebler on December 16, 2022, 11:00:15 AMcan the fw be reset via pickit (2 or 3)
not by the end user, you'd need the boot loader which is not public


so, in essence i have a dead board - with no way to potentially correct it?


so, i was able to get the fw reverted back to F16V2R 1 11 006 BETA
however, now on the board.. LED 1 & 2 are blinking together rapidly.
ive tried the fac reset - to no avail
the oled is blank
the board is unreachable via network

can anyone help me?
or am i a lost cause?

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