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F16v2r default address

Started by Keebler, November 09, 2023, 06:02:51 AM

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Does the F16V2R have a default IP  address after a factory reset and FW upgrade?
-not sure if the FW was successful or even if the factory reset was successful. the OLED is still blank and I have no way to access this to see ... well anything on this controller. or if it is still bricked.
I was told the only way to revive this is with a boot-loader, which is nowhere to be found...





It might be just the OLED.  I think the OLED finally went out on one of my old blue or red F16v2 boards, I just can't remember which right now.  I think it is the one that has been covered with snow a couple times, once when I left the cover off and a second time when wind blew snow in the vent holes and filled the box with snow.  I was glad I covered it in Corrosion-X when I first setup that controller.

I also can't remember if it had a static IP by default or DHCP, so you might check your router after turning the F16v2 on to see if the router assigned an IP to it.


I think this board is totally bricked.
the router does NOT see the controller, but the network traffic lights are busy.. lol

I am confident i need the boot-loader, I am just waiting for David to authorize it (I know that it is not released publicly), or i can hopefully just access the BL via pickit... we shall see. I doubt much will be done this close to Christmas this year

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