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Started by hyper82mustang, December 06, 2023, 04:01:10 PM

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so using f16v3 v1.01 ribbon cable to differential expansion v2.00 with a\b\c\d cat outs to 3 differential receivers v 1.01 that each have 4 xlights f16v3 protocal DDP with 3 universes....xlight visualiser shows all props in proper places no errors on too many pixels.//...under falcon port configuration  all props show good, what i cant see is how to properly setup my expansion receivers.....pot 1-16 s fine .....17a-20a, is fine......but problem is 21-24 show a and i though i had it set as b....same with 25-28 is showing a but want c....any help would be great/.....thanksin advance, sorry for grammar errors im french lol

K-State Fan

I am not sure how you have them hooked up.

Do you have them daisy chained to one port on the expansion board?


Quote from: hyper82mustang on December 06, 2023, 04:01:10 PMso using f16v3 v1.01 ribbon cable to differential expansion v2.00 with a\b\c\d cat outs
The v3 series 4 port expansion card will support 1 smart receiver per port in native mode (4 smart receivers), or up to three chained smart receivers per port in smart mode.  (4 expansion ports, + 3 smart receivers per expansion port, = 12 smart receivers, adding 48 additional ports)

Do you have one smart receiver plugged into A, another plugged into B, and the third plugged into C, or are you chaining all three out of a single expansion port?

If that is the only expansion card it will assigned Port A (Ports 17-20), Port B (Port 21-24), Port C (Ports 25-28), Port D (Port 29-32)

If the smart receivers are in native mode, you should not have a letter assigned to to the port.  The receiver plugged in Port A will be 17-20, the receiver plugged in Port B will be 21-24, the receiver plugged in Port C will be 25-28, and the receiver plugged in Port D will be 29-32.

If the smart receivers are in smart mode, they need to match the letter the smart receiver has been assigned.  If you plug a smart receiver in to expansion port A, and assign the smart receiver to letter A, The ports for that SR will be 17a-20a, smart receivers assigned letter B will use 17b-20b, and smart receivers assigned the letter C will use 17c-20c.  You can not use SR mode D on the v3 series.

If you plug a smart receiver in to expansion port B, and assign the smart receiver to letter A, The ports for that SR will be 21a-24a, smart receivers assigned letter B will use 21b-24b, and smart receivers assigned the letter C will use 17c-20c. You can not use SR mode D on the v3 series.


sorry new to falcon, yes i have 1 receiver into a then one b and 1 c.....but shows all 17a...18a....21a...22a...etc....not sure how to change from native mode?


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Click the blue + sign next to the first port number of the card and it will expand to the other letters.


i tryed that it only gives A for all of them


You have to keep pressing it to expand further.


The identification on the boards can be confusing...
On the Expansion board, it has Outputs A/B/C/D but that is NOT related to the A/B/C/D on the receiver ports....

It sounds like you have one cable connected to output A on the Expansion board and the other end connected to just one receiver?
Then one cable connected to output B on the Expansion board and the other end connected to just one receiver?
Then one cable connected to output C on the Expansion board and the other end connected to just one receiver?

Is this correct?
If so, then the configuration in your controller is correct.

You stated that you were using the Visualizer, can you post a screenshot of your visualizer screen so that we can what you think the correct configuration is? If you are using the Visualizer and uploading to your controller, it will properly configure your controller and you don't need to do anything with the controller.

If you only have one receiver connected to each of the Outputs on the Expansion Board, then you are not using the A/B/C on the ports.
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


Quote from: tbone321 on December 07, 2023, 06:19:04 PMYou have to keep pressing it to expand further.
I really don't think this is what he needs to do....
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


If you have the smart receiver set to C, the port needs to be set to C.  Every time you hit the plus button it will add another set of ports.  It would be cleaner if you set the receivers to native mode.  In that case, you would not need to use the letters at all.  If you want to use them in smart mode, it would be better to set them all to letter A.  Each expansion port can have a smart receiver set to A.  Expansion Ports a,b,c,d can each have a smart receiver A for a total of 4 smart receivers set to A. 

Poporacer is trying to teach you an easier method to set them up.  The visualizer is the easier way to do it if xlights is configuring the controller.

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K-State Fan

It seems like there still is confusion with how you have them hooked up.  Is this how you have them hooked up to you expansion card?

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Quote from: hyper82mustang on December 06, 2023, 04:01:10 PMwhat i cant see is how to properly setup my expansion receivers.....pot 1-16 s fine .....17a-20a, is fine......but problem is 21-24 show a and i though i had it set as b....same with 25-28 is showing a but want c....any help would be great
Quote from: JonD on December 06, 2023, 04:52:35 PMThe v3 series 4 port expansion card will support 1 smart receiver per port in native mode (4 smart receivers), or up to three chained smart receivers per port in smart mode.  (4 expansion ports, + 3 smart receivers per expansion port, = 12 smart receivers, adding 48 additional ports)

Do you have one smart receiver plugged into A, another plugged into B, and the third plugged into C, or are you chaining all three out of a single expansion port?
Quote from: hyper82mustang on December 07, 2023, 04:29:56 PMi have 1 receiver into a then one b and 1 c.....but shows all 17a...18a....21a...22a...etc....not sure how to change from native mode?
I think he has Smart Receiver A plugged in to Expansion Port A, Smart Receiver B plugged into Expansion Port B, and Smart Receiver C plugged in to Expansion Port C.

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Quote from: hyper82mustang on December 07, 2023, 04:29:56 PMnot sure how to change from native mode?
The best source for smart receiver settings is the F16v4 manual starting page 219.  The F16v3 is different, but the F16v4 manual will get you in the ball park.

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