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SRx2 smart receiver difficulty with 16V4

Started by Jack S, June 30, 2024, 12:54:42 PM

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Jack S

I just got a dual long range smart receiver to work with my 16V4 controller.  I set the dial on the smart receiver to 0 so the ports would show up as 17 - 20 and 21 - 24 when viewing the 16V4 controller. They do show up that way but don't operate that way . When I do a test of port 17 it operates as expected but so does port 21 and so on down the line. If I test port 21 - 24 nothing happens.
How do I fix this?


How are you testing? From the F16 Test Page? From xLights? Or some other method?
Can you post a screenshot of your Pixel Stings page of your F16? (screenshot and not a picture of your screen please) 
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


Setting it to 0 will do as you are seeing.  You need to set it to something else.


I don't have one of these, but believe in order to use the 2-port Smart Differential you will HAVE to use them in smart mode (a,b,c,d,e,f)  There are two ports on the Falcon F16v4 board (red rj-45s labeled rcvr1 and rcvr2 right side).  The first port rcvr1 will take 17-20 and the second port rcvr2 will take 21-24.  You can use a native/normal single adapter in either port, but I am not aware of a way to reassign ports 21-24 to the first receiver outlet.  The 2 port differential will have 8 ports, but will be assigned 17a, 18a, 19a, 20a, and 17b, 18b, 19b, 20b. 

Jack S

I'm testing from Xlights. When I open the 16V4 controller and go to test mode that is what happens. I configured the 16V4 as 16 local ports and 2 smart receiver chains. It appeared that was the only option that I have. When I do that the ports on the smart receiver automatically show up as 17 - 20 and 21 -24 even if I set the dial on the smart receiver to A instead of 0

Jack S

So If  have to use the SRx2 in smart mode say position A on the dial how do I get the ports reassigned to A & B instead of 17 to 20 and 19 to 24?  It automatically defaults to 17 to 24?


It depends how you are configuring them.  If you are letting xLights automatically configure things I believe you go to the xLights controller tab, select the controller they are attached to, open visualizer, and right mouse click on the prop... there should be an option to set the remote ID to a or b.    If you are configuring manually there will be a set remote id option in the prop settings.

Jack S

Well I can change the prop ID to A or B but that had no effect on the ports. How do I address the last 4 ports in the remote receiver?  They always show up as 17 to 20 and 21 to 24. And when I try to activate/test them from Xlights  I can only activate 17 through 20. 21 through 24 do not respond.


I just put away my controllers so I can't get you a Falcon print screen.  On the Falcon GUI you need to hit the Plus buttons next to the port number on the output page and the a,b,c,d,e,f options will appear. 

If you are using xLights to configure you will need to setup the lights and assign the remote id they are assigned to.  You will have a 17a and a 17b per example below.

Ports 1-4 will be 17a, 18a, 19a, and 20a ....  Ports 5-8 will be 17b, 18b, 19b, and 20b.  What you were originally expecting to be port 17 is actually port 17a, and what you thought was port 21 is actually port 17b. 


The two port receiver will act just like two separate smart receivers, except when you configure the 2-port, the built-in second receiver will automatically take the next letter.  If you configure it to be A it will assign the letters A&B  If you configure it to be C, it will assign the ports to be C&D.  There is no manual for the 2-port receiver that I am aware of, but the Falcon F16v4 manual does a decent job of explaining how the Smart Receivers work.

Jack S

Okay was able to get the ports assigned to A & B, however it still shows that ports 21 to 24 exist.  So now I have 17A - 20A and 17B - 20B plus 21 - 24.  However when I open the controller from Xlights and go to test mode I don't get any response from 17B - 20B.  17A - 20A work fine. Really would appreciate some help on this.

Jack S

Also just noticed when I go to visualize from xLights the A & B does not show up. Just ports 17 - 24 for the smart receiver. They don't even show up as a Smart Receiver.


Quote from: Jack S on July 02, 2024, 08:02:29 AMOkay was able to get the ports assigned to A & B, however it still shows that ports 21 to 24 exist.  So now I have 17A - 20A and 17B - 20B plus 21 - 24.  However when I open the controller from Xlights and go to test mode I don't get any response from 17B - 20B.  17A - 20A work fine. Really would appreciate some help on this.
Correct.  21-24 do still exist on port Rcvr2, you are just not using them.

The test buttons on the Falcon are hit and miss.  They typically work for me, but they are not gospel.  If you assigned the 2-port receiver as Letter A, the second built-in receiver will automatically take the next letter B, it should have termination ON since it is the only SR in the chain, therefore the last one in the chain.


Quote from: Jack S on July 02, 2024, 08:09:42 AMAlso just noticed when I go to visualize from xLights the A & B does not show up. Just ports 17 - 24 for the smart receiver. They don't even show up as a Smart Receiver.
Correct.  You need to assign lights to the controller first.  Once lights are assigned, right mouse click the light string and then set them to the correct remote ID. 

Port 1 = 17a
Port 2 = 18a
Port 3 = 19a
Port 4 = 20a
Port 5 = 17b
Port 6 = 18b
Port 7 = 19b
Port 8 = 20b

Per print screen above in prior message you will see Port 17.  One light is green and was assigned to remote A.  The second light is purple and was assigned to Remote B.  The green light would plug into Port1 (17a) and the purple light would plug into Port 5 (17b).

You might want to post some print screens or jump in the xlights zoom room for more assistance.

Jack S

Okay was able to set lights in visualize mode to ports A & B and yes they show up as green and purple.  However when you open the controller and go to settings pixel no lights show up on ports B. They are on A for 4 ports then skip B for 4 ports and show up on 21 - 24. Also when powered up the lights assigned to ports B don't operate. And of course the lights that showed up on ports 21 - 24 don't operate either. So there must be another step to get the controller to have the right port address.  Visualize from xLights shows the correct order but not the controller.

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