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Universe And TR24

Started by munu, November 07, 2024, 03:47:21 PM

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I have a Falcon F48 v1. I am trying to add a TR24. I have it connected to DMX3. There is nothing on DMX1 or DMX2 but in the future I might add another TR24 and hook it up to DMX2.

I finally managed it to test the TR24 on DMX through the F48s web interface (test menu) be just enabling Serial 3. My question is how to configure the Serial Outputs. I tried to assign them the highest universe (which I thought was 96 for the F48v1) so I can expand my pixels which use the lower universes starting with universe 1. But when I put serial 4 to a universe higher than 28, the TR24 on serial 3 stops working. If I have serial 4 at 27, then the TR24 on serial 3 works. I don't understand why that is. Can someone explain and also advice what universes I should actually put in there. Btw, note that for serial I put in universe 97. Works fine despite the fact that I thought the F48s is limited to 96 universes.

Btw, I read about the universes but don't 100% understand it. For pixels, I just let xLights handle it. 


Using an F48 from xLights, you should be able to do it the same way as pixels using the visualizer. If you look at the visualizer and scroll down, you will get the serial ports. Put your props on the correct, upload the config and you will should be good. Might have to set something besides but xlights will auto config the universe/start address.

BTW, I can't answer any of your other questions but in general I think the Falcon will listen for up to 96 universes. Doesn't care what they are.


Ah, I didn't realize xLights can also automatically configure the serial ports. It did assign the universe and start address. It seems to work fine now. It appears to me, if you use something like xLights, you really don't have to worry about universes. 

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