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Projector Control Plugin

Started by Bshaver, January 14, 2015, 07:31:55 AM

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Quote from: Bshaver on January 02, 2018, 11:47:43 AM
Maybe scheduling the On command twice in FPP without a pause? - because yes, there is some setup and execution time, but it fires pretty quickly. Else with the ON command in the PROJ.php file, you could modify the file and put the command in there twice. copy and paste it

I tried scheduling the on command twice with no pause, this didn't work.  I made a playlist with an on command, a 2.1 second delay, and another on command.  This seems to work best, but it doesn't always work.   I scheduled this as an"off' playlist twice (the second one follows by 30 seconds) and this gives the best results if the first run of the playlist doesn't turn off the projector.


Gotcha, what you could do is edit the script in the /home/fpp/media/scripts directory and just copy and paste the OFF command so that the single script sends it twice. there is a built in timeout as the command(s) process. That may be useful, but sounds like you have a solution. Great troubleshooting. we'll get these codes put in!

Denver Colorado
45,000 blinky blinks mix of pixels and 130 AC Channels (powered by Minleon & Lynx) ALL Powered by FPP and Falcon!


I'm also finding that the on command to turn on the projector doesn't always work on the first try, so I scheduled a second on command 30 seconds after the first, which gives good results.

I'm thinking you shouldn't include this as a supported projector.  I don't want someone to buy the 2300mp thinking it'll work without issue with FPP.  I'm using the 4210x commands (which work great on the 4210x projector, thank you!).  If someone else wants to use the 2300mp, hopefully they'll see this forum thread and pick a different projector  ;) .


Good point - however; this is the generic Projector control plgin - we should probably make a separate thread - warning. do not buy.. type.

Denver Colorado
45,000 blinky blinks mix of pixels and 130 AC Channels (powered by Minleon & Lynx) ALL Powered by FPP and Falcon!


Another update, it seems that the 2300mp works best if the fpp webpage is closed.  I scheduled 4 consecutive on-play video-off sequences that worked perfectly, could having the webpage open be introducing some delay or preventing serial commands from be transmitted correctly? All my previous attempts were with the webpage open so I could see the playlists as they were played by fpp.



This is good feedback. But the UI and the engine are going to be de-coupled in V2.0. so should be moot soon.
Denver Colorado
45,000 blinky blinks mix of pixels and 130 AC Channels (powered by Minleon & Lynx) ALL Powered by FPP and Falcon!


I just had an idea but it's way above my knowledge and skills...

Would it be possible to use the GPIO pins on a PI to drive an infrared LED and trigger a projector? I know the plugin isn't designed for this and there would have to be a way to decode your remote so you know what to transmit. I noticed several IR trancever modules on Amazon and it gave me the idea.

If possible, it would open up options for projectors without serial or network communication options.

I have no idea how to implement that but figured I'd toss the idea out there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


You certainly could do that with a lot of information on the hack a day type websites on how to do it.  I bought an iguanaworks ir transceiver and with irsend, can send any arbitrary code I have found on line or captured with the irrecord linux programs off my Raspberry pi.

I use it to work with my home automation server to automatically switch inputs and turn on components based on a keypad or button presses on remotes.

But you are better to get either the serial interface going or the ethernet port going on the projector and connect that to the pi.


Hey Guys,

I've been following this thread for a while now and explored many ways that I could get my inexpensive projector to work with FPP. I stumbled across a workaround for turning on and off my projector over HDMI-CEC(supported on my projector) utilizing a CEC library on the rasberry Pi. I'm not super tech savvy so maybe someone could package this and allow as a plugin for future releases.

If anyones interested in what I had to do to get it to work let me know and I will type it up for posting. I tried so much today I have to back track a bit to make sure what actually worked!


What projec
Quote from: jbrockw on September 03, 2018, 08:33:53 PM
Hey Guys,

I've been following this thread for a while now and explored many ways that I could get my inexpensive projector to work with FPP. I stumbled across a workaround for turning on and off my projector over HDMI-CEC(supported on my projector) utilizing a CEC library on the rasberry Pi. I'm not super tech savvy so maybe someone could package this and allow as a plugin for future releases.

If anyones interested in what I had to do to get it to work let me know and I will type it up for posting. I tried so much today I have to back track a bit to make sure what actually worked!
What projector do you have?


I'm making a little headway here.  I have a couple of questions, though. 
  I  have an Epson Powerlite 93 connected to my NIC on my remote Pi, and have it networked so that I can reach the web interface remotely, so I would assume that the projector plugin can talk to it as well, using PJLink.  I have a video loaded to it, but I'm not sure how to test it.

EDIT: I should be more specific here.  How do I test the projector control commands?

Also, going to take an educated guess and take it that the serial baud rate settings are superfluous when using this on the NIC.


Correct, some clean up will need to be done. the PJlink libraries may not be loaded as well - there are specific PERL libraries that need to be installed.

However; give it a shot because PJlink - ON and PJLINK - OFF are generic enough for all of those.

if not - let me know via PM - and we can do a screen share.


Denver Colorado
45,000 blinky blinks mix of pixels and 130 AC Channels (powered by Minleon & Lynx) ALL Powered by FPP and Falcon!


Quote from: Bshaver on September 17, 2018, 01:29:33 PM
Correct, some clean up will need to be done. the PJlink libraries may not be loaded as well - there are specific PERL libraries that need to be installed.

However; give it a shot because PJlink - ON and PJLINK - OFF are generic enough for all of those.

if not - let me know via PM - and we can do a screen share.

Thanks, Ben.  So far, trying to trigger an event from the remote Pi doesn't appear to have any effect.  The only thing I can figure is that I'm not doing something right.  I'm pretty Linux savvy, but haven't done scripting in many many years.
If you have the time for a screen share, I'd be grateful for the help!


Hi Roger. Sure. later in the evening > 7pm mountain is usually best for me. What time zone are you in?

Denver Colorado
45,000 blinky blinks mix of pixels and 130 AC Channels (powered by Minleon & Lynx) ALL Powered by FPP and Falcon!


Quote from: Bshaver on September 17, 2018, 04:07:26 PM
Hi Roger. Sure. later in the evening > 7pm mountain is usually best for me. What time zone are you in?
Hey Ben!  I'm in the Eastern timezone. 
  BTW, has anyone managed to get this to work over an ethernet connection, or should I just set up a usb-to-serial connection?

And Ben, here are the AVMute commands I found in the PJLink library..  The PJ Testing tool is able to  control it by ethernet, but I did notice that once the projector shuts down, ethernet commands sent to it won't work.  I'm not sure my Epson projector supports WOL.

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