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Port 1 on Long Range Receiver 3 LEDS blinking

Started by lrehklau, November 10, 2023, 11:17:31 AM

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Just finished setting up xmas show and working out the kinks

I have a V48v4 with 4 long range smart receivers attached. On all smart receivers, port 1 only, three led's blinking when no output from F48, sitting idle. Turn off V48, they still blinking. Power down and back on, still blinking. Remove cat 5 cable, still blinking. The three led's are in no specific range in the prop, start-middle-end. Put F48 in test and do RGB, it runs through the test and you can see the LED's blink. Whats interesting, its always the same 3 in that prop, does not move.

So, short of turning off each controller at night/during day, any ideas to why this is happening, its surely is an issue with long range smart receivers, as the controller has been removed



Which model of smart receiver (SR) are you using?  Are you using them native mode or smart mode? 


I am using SRx1 v4.00 (long range) smart receiver (long range) and using in smart mode. I have attached pixel outputs


If you're using smart mode you may need to hit the plus button next to the port number until you see ABCD..etc.  I don't have the F48 model and there are a few differences, but the plus button is there and worth a try.  


Yea, the blue + will add another set of ports for the smart receivers.  I see that now the entire bank is locked into one protocol.  What exactly is the purpose of this?  To get a few more channels per port, how sad.  It really limits the capability of this controller and pretty much makes it useless for me.

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