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Still Network issues

Started by TravisSlaughter, November 25, 2023, 12:40:14 PM

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I cannot connect on a switch. Ive tried dumb switch no connection. The smart netgear switch and doesn't complete the handshake. What is the issue are we getting a firmware update to fix the issue or how can I connect this on the same network. It seems to be trying to connect via wifi but cannot transmit the e1.31. This is frustrating to say the least

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


You can't really run a show directly over wifi.  Maybe you could run a few lights, but there is typically too much latency.  People do run wifi shows in a Master/Remote Multisync solution.  Where the files are transfered directly to a local SD card and the master FPP player tells the controller when and what to play.  It just transfers minimal timing data over the network in that situation.

The Falcons multisync wifi solution has been problematic, and many people have complained about issues.  If you want assistance with the Falcon Wifi, you will need to reach out to Falcon support at 

If the network card is not connecting to the ethernet port... it is either cable, firmware, switch, or defective controller.  Ethernet ports can burn up and it is possible the network card on the controller is defective.  You could reach out to Falcon support directly, or possibly the xlights zoom room at https:\\



Im not trying to connect via WiFi nor run the show. The controller is not working with any network switches. (Smart/Dumb) either one. The issue is I can get the controller to connect as long as it is directly in my wifi extender but that means I cannot connect any of the other elements (fpp remote on bbb and fpp master) its one or the other. If I had the 48v4 instead of the NS version it would be ok because I could throughput data but i cannot on this board.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Make sure you set a smart switch to 10m all ports .  I think it's working now we shall see!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Quote from: TravisSlaughter on November 25, 2023, 01:55:22 PMMake sure you set a smart switch to 10m all ports .  I think it's working now we shall see!!!
Glad you got it going!  Are you building your own network cables?  If so, make sure you are following the correct wiring standards.  10mb only is often a sign that you have cabling issues or that the cable end is not wired correctly.  The correct pinout is critical on the cable.  If you are wiring them straight through, the transmit and receive pairs are not twisted and that will cause performance issues and prevent the devices from connecting at 100mb.  Also, how long is the cable?  Excessive length would also cause these type of issues.

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