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K32 & Soundblaster

Started by Ryeguy, December 12, 2024, 12:02:18 PM

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I installed a soundblaster 3 into my BBB on my K32. I am going to ask some dumb questions to make sure I am not missing something. I tried this two ways: 1. directly into the BBB usb port and 2. into a usb hub connected to the usb port of the BBB. I could not get the soundblaster to get recognized. now the soundblaster is a few years old, opened, but never used. any pointers would be appreciated!


There is a masterclass from Jason Rasmussen from the Virtual Chirstmas Summit 2024, that they show that Kulp controller don't need the soundblaster, they are built with a similar quality audio onboard. So you just need to  hook the p2 connector to the fm transmitter.

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