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Kulp antenna?

Started by Petrey, November 16, 2024, 06:19:18 PM

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I put up my show today and had some family come over and watch it. Started it and radio was playing, but very static. I opened the lid and held the antenna and everyone could hear it. My "antenna" is only a wire that's about 2 feet long. It's also located inside the waterproof box. Should I run the wire outside? What are you all doing?


Is your antenna cut to the proper length based on your frequency you have programmed in?  Because that may very well be causing it.  Assuming your waterproof box is not metal.

Stafford, NY
FPP, F16v2R's, SanDevice, LE's, xLights


There are some known issues with the FM transmitter being too close to a power supply.  Try moving the transmitter and wires as far away from the power supply as possible.


Box is just a plastic ammo container. The antenna was attached and curled to the lid of the container overtop all the power supply's and board. I have it running outside the box now and added some length to it. It seems to be working now. I used the dipole calculator and the length was 2.1 ft. I think I'll make a proper one with shielded wire. 


Coiling up the antenna wire = bad
Inside a box = bad (not as much with a plastic box)
Antenna right next to other electronic devices = bad

That last one can work both ways - transmitter bothering the other electronics and the other electronics bothering the radio (more of an issue on receive).
Using LOR (mostly SuperStar) for all sequencing - using FPP only to drive P5 and P10 panels.
My show website:



You live and learn. All my tests I did was with the lid open. I'll make something better next year.

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