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Started by Petrey, December 30, 2024, 08:57:49 AM

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First year with a show and turning everything off I noticed my 3d printed snowflake was melted on my brick wall. Wife is worried. This was from a small batch I got back in 2022. Anyone else have this? 12 volt resistor pixels and injected. Just a risk of burning the house down?


Wow!  I've never seen one burn like that.
Off hand, I would be surprised if even a burn like that would generate enough heat to start the house on fire.  But what do I know...
Using LOR (mostly SuperStar) for all sequencing - using FPP only to drive P5 and P10 panels.
My show website:



Yes, I think you should be concerned. It isn't just 2022 pixels that burn but that does seem to be a very bad year for failures in general. A brick house is very unlikely to burn down from a pixel fire. But then that isn't just one pixel? Looks like it got several and the wire in between and got hot enough to start the melting and vaporization of the star. Is the star ABS or PETG? That would fare better than PLA but both all can burn once they melt.


Looks to me like a wiring issue more than a pixel issue.
Was the cut end outside like that?
What does the Missing pixel look like?


Never seen anything like that.  12v lighting can catch on fire, but it is pretty rare and not typically considered a fire hazard.  How many watts was the power supply?  Were you power injecting in that area? 

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