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Sequence and configuration F16v5

Started by DaSarge, October 28, 2024, 08:28:36 AM

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Good day all:
  I have a F16v5.  I am using my old LOR CCR's ws2811 format, and my MegaTree will be using the 16 Ribbons.  I also have a 200 node star that is at the top that is being used on a smart receiver (4 port, only using 2)  The star is 2 strands of 100 node each.  so ports 17 and 18 (Smart Receiver will drive the Star)

My question is, is when I configure the F16v5 how do I set it up for the ribbons and star with the models in xLights?

Newbie here going from LOR to xLights.  Any help is greatly appreciated.




I don't own one of these, and there is no manual.  Best guess you need to plug a patch cable from red port on the top left into the smart receiver.
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When you add the F16v5 to xlights it will already show ports 17-20 and you will just add your topper to those ports.

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here is the setup.  The controller sees the smart receiver in the box with the F16v5.You cannot view this attachment.


Xlights will configure the F16v5 for you.  You just need to hit the xlights "visualizer" button on the controller and then assign the light strings to the port.  When you have assigned everything,  then click on the "Upload Output" button and xlights will make all the changes on the controller for you.   

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Does anyone have experience with for the sequences?  I still cannot see any effects on my 'star' model within xLights.  Also, do I run the F16v5 in DDP mode?


DDP is ideal.

Did you render all your sequences again after the changes you made, and re-upload them to FPP?


Quote from: JonD on October 28, 2024, 11:22:18 AMDDP is ideal.

Did you render all your sequences again after the changes you made, and re-upload them to FPP?
Currently I am just testing in xLights and seeing the model previews.  I don't have the mega-tree up yet and I am running this via a PC as I couldn't really get the FPP to work right.  I will send a screen shot of my models and if you can assist, how do i set all this up.  (So sorry for all the n00b questions, this is my first year of going completely to xLights)


Any time you make any changes to your controllers, light strings, or programming changes such as adding effects and importing... once you make the changes you need to click on the render button.  You will need to render ALL your sequences if you make controller or light string changes.

What did you set your smart receiver dial to?  Did you leave it at zero in native mode, or did you set it to smart mode A?.  The SR needs to be terminated either way as it is the last receiver in the chain.  (the only receiver in the chain, but the last one just the same)

With your other controllers in DDP mode, I would be consistent with the F16v5 and change it to DDP.


My smart receiver, I left the dial where it was.  It is the only SR, and it is set for termination.  I will reset the F16 to be in DDP mode.  I will also upload the screen shots.


If you did not change any settings on the SR, it should be in native mode 0.  You have the SR in xlights configured as smart mode A.  You will need to reconfigure it as normal/native mode to match the SR setting.  It is just port 17 and 18... not 17 and 18 Smart mode A

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