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LED panel formatting issue ?

Started by Unibits, November 01, 2024, 05:18:54 AM

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I have an 8 P10 LED panel by 8 P10 LED panel.  It is 128x256 pixels. I have used this configuration for over 6 years in its current form.

I decided last minute to do a Halloween show this year and had a few challenges that I have not faced in years so my attention was on all of that stuff..

To control this panel, I have a FPP master at FPP 8.1, and an FPP instance on a PI 4, currently at FPP 8.1  .  It ran last season on fpp 7.8?  It was upgraded all the way along from 7.5  but did not have the last release of fpp as everything worked properly so there was no need to update during the season.

I powered that configuration up and ran 1 sequence from last Christmas to make sure it worked as I remembered since time didn't allow for lots of troubleshooting.  I could fall back to that SD card and configuration if needed. Made a configuration backup so I could simply use it to be the new FPP matrix controller.

so on a clean install of fpp on a new SD card at release 8.1 i began.

I started it up, did the initial configuration and recovered from the back up I made above.

The configuration of the FPP matrix controller is in developer mode,

The LED panel configuration is 8 panels by 8 panels,
32 by 16 1/8 scan
8 outputs on colorlight with 8 panels per output.
all panels from same lot so there is no individual configuration to support different panels having different color orders..

All of my sequences were done in Xlights, version 2024.17 as I hoped that would fix the issue.  

I dont have any channel issues that i can see.  All of my stuff seems to work the way i remember from last year.

The picture on the panel is out a bit. 13 lines on the left side ( when viewed from the front) should be on the right.   I cant seem to see a reason why it is doing this.  I am unsure at this point what FW is on the colorlight card.  It is at least 6 years old so I am fairly certain it is somewhat older compared to what is out there today.  

Any idea on what to check to address this issue?


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