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Integrating Twilio with Google Sheets

Started by Nufernandes, September 09, 2023, 07:15:33 AM

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First off, thank you to the contributors on the Twilio Plugin, Love the possibilities it offers.

I have Twilio setup, and working. When I text a name to my Twilio number it sends the webhook to FPP and the name comes up on the matrix. I dont want to publicize the number, because my 16 yr old self would be leaving the light show and constantly texting the matrix...(I'm not that guy anymore). I haven't figured out a way to limit the text to one per person, so I decided to create a google Form, which I can limit by IP Address.

I have the Form set up, and the Sheet that gathers the results. In the sheet I inserted the code that is attached, and setup a trigger to execute the code when a new entry is submitted.

When I enter a name in the form, the sheet collects the response, and executes the code.
The log file shows that the request is being made to Twilio and Twilio accepted it, by returning a '200' code.
the response line seems to be blank in the log file, and the name entered in the form never comes through to the matrix, or the messaging queue.
If I text the name, it comes through right away.

I am hoping that by attaching the code and the log files here, some can see something I may be missing.

I know the FPP and Twilio settings must be correct because its working via text, I just cant get it to do the same via the webhook script in the Form.


@dkulp  can you help if you have a few minutes to review the attached code?


Gut feeling is the scope of the "var response" variable.  You are defining it within the "if" and thus I believe it's no longer set outside of there.   That said, I know little about Apps Script so I could be off.
Daniel Kulp -


thanks for the suggestion, I will keep tweaking it.

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