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Bricked Receiver(s)

Started by brett, September 12, 2023, 01:13:49 PM

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Hey all.  I had a V1.03 white smart receiver configured as receiver B connected to an F48 working just fine.  Yesterday, I noted that this receiver was not working (props on it not lighting up).  On investigation, the receiver seems to be bricked, such that other than power lights, the test button and test lights / signal lights were dark.   Test button does not work.  No output other than voltage on the ports.

I did check voltage, PS is at 12.01

This receiver was working OK up til yesterday.

1st picture is what the original receiver looked like powered on.

Today I went ahead and replaced the receiver with my last spare - it powered up great.  I plugged in props, 2 of which worked great, 2 didn't (port 1 and port 3 didn't).   I put the Falcon tester on port 1 with test mode on at the receiver, and it showed an output of 1024 pixels which is weird because it's programmed for 101.  The color pattern was very strange. (maybe the port config from the F48 doesn't atter here, and the 1024 is the default test?)

I was about to test port 3, when I noted the magic smoke.  (see picture 2)    The fuse did not blow.  I immediately powered down, but on power up - the receiver is also bricked, all power lights are on, still at 12.01v, but the test button / lights for ports no longer fire up.

I am assuming I have a prop that went bad somehow, but not sure which one - I don't want to blow another receiver or my pixel tester troubleshooting.    Does anyone have any ideas how to troubleshoot this?  Are the two receivers (especially the first one with no smoke/scorch mars) fixable?



I would take a look at the F48 and the other receivers in the string.  It looks like you might be getting 12V on the data line and that would fry the receiver.  Also make sure that none your props are shorting the data line to either ground or the 12V side which would also fry the receiver.


Quote from: brett on September 12, 2023, 01:13:49 PMI was about to test port 3, when I noted the magic smoke.

Damn electronics just don't work well when the magic smoke leaks out...

Good luck on figuring what happened.
BTW, if you are desperate for another receiver, I think I still have a spare or two beyond my needs.
Using LOR (mostly SuperStar) for all sequencing - using FPP only to drive P5 and P10 panels.
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R8 appears to be related to pt 4 so I would start there in spite of 1 and 3 not being lit up. Check continuity of the V+ and V- lines. Apply power only to the prop and check the data line for voltage.

If just resistors fried, you could probably fix that. If the U1, U2, or U3 fried, probably not worth the effort?


This is great advice.  Thank you.  Will give these some tries tomorrow, I like the isolation approach, thanks for that logic.

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