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FPP as Home Assistant Add-On

Started by Ampig, April 25, 2024, 01:10:12 AM

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I was wondering how viable it is to run FPP as an add-on for Home Assistant, essentially a glorified Docker container.

I'd really love to get this going so that I can consolidate my hardware and better integrate with some bespoke software pieces I have in the works.

I've played with some Docker proof-of-concepts outside of HA, and even had a crack at creating an add-on based on the docker-compose supplied in the FPP Git repo. I got FPP "running" in HA, but with numerous errors on the console, no mapped persistent storage, and no ability to view the web UI.

Given all these issues and my inexperience with Docker, I thought I'd consult the experts!

Thanks, love your work.


I run both my main FPP player and my Home Assistant server as docker containers on the same docker server.  I use a slightly modified copy of the docker compose file in the FPP repository but it is mostly the same.  I created that repository version of the docker compose file as I was setting up my docker container.  I use FPP MultiSync, E1.31, and ColorLight channel outputs with this container and have it talking to HA via MQTT.  I also have the externally developed Falcon Player integration installed in HA so I can control FPP from within HA.


Happy to hear I'm not alone in this endevour!

However, it sounds like you're running Dockerised HA. I'm pretty set on preserving HA using HAOS on a physical host for the convenience of add-ons and such.

Add-ons seem to require just a Dockerfile, with no support for docker-compose files. As such, I too tried tinkering and converting the docker-compose file to a Dockerfile. My primary concern lies in that I am unsure how to manage persistent storage volumes without control of a docker-compose file or the docker commands themselves.

As far as I can tell, FPP requires a volume at /home/fpp/media. However, HA add-ons are provided /data for persistent storage. Don't know enough about docker and volumes to fully understand how to handle this.

Once I got the add-on installed and running, the console shows the following and the web UI cannot be reached:
Running FPPINIT start
FPP - Checking for required directories
FPP - Directories created
ERROR: Unable to open /sys/class/graphics/fbcon/cursor_blink for writing.
Setting file ownership
mkdir: cannot create directory '/run/php': File exists

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