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FPP 7.0 Released!

Started by dkulp, July 26, 2023, 12:04:00 PM

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I just upgraded two of my controllers to V7 by re-flashing my SD cards. I did not get the notification to expand the or "grow" the filesystem. I have my UI interface level set to advanced but I am not seeing any options to expand the SD card. Does anyone have any insight on this? 


Go into the PFF settings page which is under Status/Control and select the UI box and change the User Interface level to Advanced.  You may need to restart FPP.  Then on the same page, select the Storage box and in there you should see the option to expand the file system.  


Thanks for the reply. 

In the storage section, it gives me the option to flash to the eMMC, but no options to expand my file system.


What does it say is your storage device and how much memory is free.  It may have already been expended.


Quote from: tysont20 on October 26, 2023, 02:55:57 PMThanks for the reply.

In the storage section, it gives me the option to flash to the eMMC, but no options to expand my file system.

On my Beaglebone (that has expanded the memory), I also only see the Flash to eemc.
BUT, just below, the Storage Device dropdown shows (mmcblk0p1 - 25.9GB Free (boot device)) and then mmcblk1p1 - 3.6GB (Not Mounted).

If you also have two entries, you may be using the smaller one and therefore running out of room.
Long time Falcon, FPP and xLights user


I don't believe it has already been expanded. When I ssh in and run df -h I see the following:
fpp@Box1:~$ df -h                                                                                                                          
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on                                                                                           
/dev/root       3.3G  2.9G  313M  91% /                                                                                                   
devtmpfs        214M     0  214M   0% /dev                                                                                                 
tmpfs           238M  252K  238M   1% /dev/shm                                                                                             
tmpfs            96M  1.4M   94M   2% /run                                                                                                 
tmpfs           5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock                                                                                           
tmpfs            50M   64K   50M   1% /tmp                                                                                                 
tmpfs            50M     0   50M   0% /var/tmp                                                                                             
tmpfs            48M     0   48M   0% /run/user/500   

My SD card is a 32GB card and should have lots of space to expand and use.

When I look at the drop down I have the following:
mmcblk0p1 - 3.4 GB (0.3GB Free) (boot device)
mmcblk1p1 - 3.6GB (Not Mounted)

Maybe I need to take the SD card, format it, and then reflash it and see if it gives me an option to expand it.


That may be a good idea.  Make sure that the SSD card is clean with no partitions on it.  What are you using to write the image to the card?


I will try to do this over the weekend and will update with my findings. 

I use belenaEtcher to flash the card. 


I want to give an update. I was looking at trying to extend the partition using fdisk from the terminal, and in my research I found the script that I later found is ran when FPP gives you the option to expand the storage, /usr/bin/bb-growpart. I ran this and it completed and afterward the GUI showed that the size was now 27GB but when I looked at the space in the terminal, it showed no change. I figure the script didn't do a write or something to make the changes on the OS but did something so the GUI showed it. So it seems the GUI is hard coded to show what the space allocated is. 

Long story short, I ended up just re-flashing the SD card and it then gave me the option to expand the storage. I am not sure if I missed it the first time around, but I was looking for it and never saw it. So re-flashing did solve my problem. I would have spent more time looking through the /usr/bin/bb-growpart script but I don't have the time. If anyone has any input on this, I would be interested in knowing more. 

Thank you all for your replies, suggestions, and help. 


The zoom room has seen a lot of people missing the red Finish button and pressing Reboot.
The Finish button would start the next step to Grow Filesystem


Very happy to hear about DPI supporting 4-channel pixels, and the added support for eFuses on PiHats

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