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installing edimax wireless card on FPP

Started by neilric99, September 15, 2013, 08:47:21 PM

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I am having problems installing the EDIMAX wireless usb Nic, any tips on getting it working

I would like to join my WPA2 network for controlling the webpage and have the e.131 output go out over the cat5 on the Pi


I figured it out

needed to edit the /etc/network/interfaces to setup the ssid and password of my network.

Only task left to do on this now is to ensure that my eth:0 interface is default so that the multicast traffic on my 10.232.x.x network does not get onto my wireless network.

In the FPP Universe config will it be possible to declare which network interface the multicast traffic goes to?


David said he would be coming out with a update that will let you select what network to send the traffic out - ex out eth0 and use wlan0 for future sync and monitoring etc



that's exactly what I was hoping for, cool



My turn in the box.  I am trying to follow the Ron Nutter instructions to set up my edimax.  The lsusb command works great and shows the wlan0 with the edimax.  When I run wpa_cli I get the following

could not connect to wpa_supplicant - re-trying

and the only way I have found to kill that is to go to the web interface and use the reboot option (or I suppose I could pull the power, but that is not a good habit so I here).  I guess I can try to edit the /etc/network/interfaces, but I am trying to use what is supposed to be the simpler way.  Anyone have any ideas on what might be wrong here.  I'm trying to make things work the easy way without invoking any depth of linux knowledge on my part so maybe I can be a good tester for all this stuff.
Jim Nealand
Kennesaw, GA all Falcon controllers, all 12v Master Remote Multisync with Pi and BBB P10 and P5


I gave up on the wpa_cli and editted the interfaces file.  I am now running on wifi.  Works just fine.
Jim Nealand
Kennesaw, GA all Falcon controllers, all 12v Master Remote Multisync with Pi and BBB P10 and P5


Quote from: jnealand on October 06, 2013, 10:21:06 AM
My turn in the box.  I am trying to follow the Ron Nutter instructions to set up my edimax.  The lsusb command works great and shows the wlan0 with the edimax.  When I run wpa_cli I get the following

could not connect to wpa_supplicant - re-trying

and the only way I have found to kill that is to go to the web interface and use the reboot option (or I suppose I could pull the power, but that is not a good habit so I here).  I guess I can try to edit the /etc/network/interfaces, but I am trying to use what is supposed to be the simpler way.  Anyone have any ideas on what might be wrong here.  I'm trying to make things work the easy way without invoking any depth of linux knowledge on my part so maybe I can be a good tester for all this stuff.

I'm guessing the problem might have been needing to run wpa_cli as root.  Glad to hear you got it working though.


Just to put my problem with the wifi to bed, I changed the security from open wep to wpa on the router. Edited the network/interfaces file back to it original state, changing the ssid and psk and voila. It works. I communicate to the FPP via wireless and its E131 output is on the wired network. I changed the network screen to eth0. Works like a champ. I will NOT work if you have an open wep system using a hex key.  Now I cant get to the 6804's but I will get around that some how. Works with the Ourlink and Edimax Nano usb wifi. Just an FYI. Running on Version 8c6a45b


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